List of Internees at Padang and Bankinang

This web site is dedicated to those men, women, and children who were interned at Palembang and later transferred to Muntok. The civilian internees that were held at the camps at Padang and Bankinang are not the focus of this website but are listed below.

Like those who were held at Palembang and Muntok, the internees held at Padang and Bankinang had made the hazardous sea voyage south from Singapore and were all survivors of ships (SS Kuala, HMS Grasshopper, etc.) which had been sunk. They managed to reach the Indragiri river and succeeded in making their way westward across Sumatra only to reach Padang too late. There the Japanese captured and held them for the duration of the war. Some of these internees were later moved back to Singapore.

Life in Padang was comparatively better than that of Muntok / Belalau. Of the 230 women held in the latter only 160 survived whereas at Padang of the 2,400 persons held there were only 160 deaths, mostly the elderly.

Bankinang Women’s Internment Camp was primarily a camp for Dutch women – but it also held 65 British and Australian women evacuees from Singapore who had arrived in Padang too late to be picked up by the few evacuation ships. To their undying gratitude, the internees had a number of nurses in their ranks since the ‘SS Kuala’ was the third evacuation ship to take a share of the mass evacuation of nurses from Singapore.

Bankinang Women’s Internment Camp

Of the photograph below, Jonathan Moffatt has written: “Padang Group, Sumatra surviving civilian male internees arriving in Singapore, September 1945. Last year identified Mr Leslie Masson Smart, General Manager FMS Railways, leading the group. Thanks to his granddaughter, I now have the identity of Harold James Page, Director of the Rubber Research Institute KL/Director of ARP Selangor 1941, the tall bespectacled man with Aussie bush hat,on the right. Some times identifying someone turns on a familiar item of clothing [Smart’s cap] or a scar on the chin [Page’s war wound from WW1].”

A report on the internment years at the camps in Padang and Bangkinang of women, men, and children on Sumatra’s West-Cast during the Japanese occupation of the Netherlands East Indies (07 April 1942 – 22 August 1945) in 3 parts can be found on the Australian War Museum’s website.

AERIA Mrs Gladys, aged 34 years of 29 Martaban Road, Singapore. Survivor of SS Kuala sinking. Padang, Sumatra internee with children Collette, aged 9 months and Patrice, aged 1 month. Then Bankinang Camp. Gladys died 5.2.1981.

BADDELEY S. [Sidney] b.1896 Silvertown, London. Received Master Certificate 6.3.22 Liverpool. Captain: Assistant Marine Superintendent then Marine Superintendent SSC / Mansfields, Ocean Building, Singapore. Escaped Singapore 13.2.42 on Rantau but intercepted 16.2.42. Sumatra internee – Muntok then Palembang till 26.8.42 then to Fukuoka, Japan as civilian internee. Wife Ruby [Margaret?] evacuated on the Narkunda arriving Fremantle WA 24.1.42 then to SA. Wife c/o Mrs. Leather, Hodge Lane, Hartford, Cheshire, England. He resumed duties at Singapore 1946. Retired 1950 to SA. Died 1960 Natal. Son Philip [aged 86 in 2006 – lives in Cumbria]. Daughter Winifred Margaret.

BANNISTER, S. G. [Stephen] b.1920. Stoker, Royal Navy. POW 17.3.42. Despite RN he was interned at Bankinang men’s camp.

BARTHOLOMEW, C. G. [Cecil George] Engineer, War Department aged 50 in 1942, Interned at Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

BARTHOLOMEW, E. W. W. Transport Company, Pulau Brani. Padang, Sumatra internee.

BELL. F. C. [Frank Coyle] b.1911 Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Nursing Orderly, RAF POW 17.3.42 but interned Padang Hospital 3.42-6.43, Padang Civil Internment Camp 6.43-8.43 then Bankinang Men’s Camp till 16.12.43. Sumatra internee. Returned to POW camps, Medan then Changi. Died 1981 Newcastle.

BLACKWELL, A. G. [Albert George] Engineer/Manager, Cable & Wireless. Aged 49 in 1942. Interned Padang & Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45.

BOEKHORST Mrs C.G. te nee Rodenburg aged 31 in 1942, with Seertje, aged 31, & child Jantje Te. Mrs C.G. wife of J.K.M. Boekhurst, Padang Harban Estate, Bila, Sumatra?

BORYER M.S. [Maurice Sidney] b.1915 Portsmouth. To Singapore 1940. Storehouseman, Victualling Dept, Admiralty. Interned Padang & Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski 10.45. To Hong Kong 1950. Died 1992 Hants.

BOUDVILLE Ms Catherine, aged 22. General Hospital, Singapore. Survivor of the SS Kuala sinking. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. Sumatra internee. Returned to Singapore and married British airline pilot G.D.A. (Tony) Rignall. Later to Burma and in 2010 living in Sydney, Australia.

BRAY P.A. [Percy Archibald] b.1890 Buckland, Somerset. To Malaya 1924 as Shift Engineer FMS. Executive Electrical Engineer, Power Station, Electrical Dept FMS, KL. On HMS Grasshopper. Interned Padang & Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra internee. Repatriated via Canada, arriving Liverpool on the Duchess of Richmond from Canada 15.11.45. Died1970 Frome, Somerset.

BRETT siblings Sylvia & Malcolm Colin [aged 16 in 1944] , of 3 Namley Avenue, Singapore. Survived the SS Kuala sinking. Interned in Padang then respectively Bankinang Women’s & Men’s Camp. Sister and brother of L/Cpl RAMC. Padang, Whilst in Bankinang camp the internees had to hide “…pretty Sylvia Brett amongst others in the filthy latrines … when the Japs made it clear they wanted young girls as comfort girls…” Sumatra internees.

BROMLEY, Ythil Charles Lewis.

BROWN, E. G. [Eric Gordon] BSc AMICE b.1890 Burton-on-Trent. Educated Burton-on-Trent Grammar School; Malvern College & Birmingham University. WW1 Service as 2nd Lt to Captain RE 1916-1919. To Malaya 1919 as Assistant Engineer [Open Lines] FMS Railways. By 1940 Acting Chief Engineer Way & Works, FMS Railways. Captain retd. Evacuated 2.42 but interned in Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. To Ceylon 10.45 returning to the UK on Atlantis, arriving Southampton 14.8.46. Returned to Ceylon 1948 then to Malaya 1956.

BUCK C.N. [Cecil Noel] Civil Engineer aged 35 in 1942. Interned in Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee Returned to the UK on Orontes, arriving Southampton with wife & son 16.5.46. To Leeds. Returned to the Far East 1947. Wife Clothilda Josephine [see below].

BUCK Master Edward C. b.1931. Interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

BUCK Mrs Josephine Clothilda b.1911. Wife of C,N. Pension Marapi, Padang. Interned Padang then Bankinang Camp with her son Edward[above] who was transferred to the Men’s Camp, Bankinang 29.6.43. Sumatra internee. Daughter Cecilia b.1947. Clothilda died 2.1999 Hants.

CAIRNS J. [James] MC b.1895. WW1 service: 2nd Lt 1/5th Btt TF att. KOSB [see citation in London Gazette]. To Penang 1921. Accountant, Financial Assistant, Electricity Supply Dept, Transport Dept and Penang Hill Railway, Penang. Evacuated from Singapore with 2 year old son , James on Kuala. Survived the sinking of that ship. Interned in Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp where ‘little Jimmy’ spent his childhood years. Sumatra internees. Repatriated from Singapore to Liverpool on Antenor, arriving 27.10.45. To Edinburgh. Returned to Malaya 1946 as Financial Assistant, Penang Municipality. A keen bird watcher, author, poet. Young Jimmy served in the Army for 22 years. He died 3.8.2003.

CASSELS Mrs Rosalind Wife of William. Aged 25 in 1942. Padang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45.

CASSELS W.[William] from Aberdeen. Planter, Harrisons & Crosfield. Padang Sumatra internee. Lost at sea 26.6.1944 [37] on the van Waarwick. MRB 1943 records “Cassells W. & Mrs. Planter, Harrison & Crossfield…” so where is Mrs W. Cassells??

CHARMAN Ms Mary, aged 30. Canadian QA Nursing sister, 1st General Hospital, Singapore. A survivor from SS Kuala. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. Sumatra internee.

CLAY K.N. [Kenneth Norman] Electrician, Perak Hydro-Electrical Company, Ipoh aged 35 in 1942. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died 1990 Derbyshire?

COLTMAN Mrs Doreen Oakley KL Housewife aged 43 in 1942. Of 165 High St KL. Wife of Arthur Oakley Coltman of Booty & Edwards KL. He a Changi & Sime Rd internee. She a survivor of SS Kuala sinking 14.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. Sumatra internee.

CROWE Dr Ms. Elsie Violet b.1895 Middlesbrough. Lady Medical Officer, Selangor. Lady Medical Officer General Hospital KL Aged 47 in 1942. Evacuated on Kuala [sunk]. Padang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Saltburn. Died 1990 Lincolnshire.

CURTIS Mrs Marjory May Wife of Brigadier A.D. Curtis POW. Aged 54 in 1942. Of 4 Cornwall Alexandre, Singapore. Padang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 5.10.43[55] Padang.

DAVIES A.E.S. [Arthur Elphinston Sanger] b.1885 Tunbridge Wells. Educated Cooper’s Hill & Oxford University. To Forest Dept. Malaya 1907. State Forest Officer, NS then Malacca. Retired 6.37 to Brastagi, Sumatra. Wife Lee [Thai/Chinese] to Bukit Mertajam with son Richard b.1941. Other children Robert & Ann aged 12 & 13 in 1942 Palembang. Daughter Winnie in UK. Arthur died in captivity 22.3.45 [60] Rengo Rengo Camp, Sumatra. Ann & Robert were repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Chacely Vicarage near Gloucester. Son Richard joined family in UK 1950. Lee died of cancer 1953.

DAVIES Ms Naomi QA Nursing Sister, aged 27. Alexandra Military Hospital, Singapore. Interned Padang then Bankinang Camp. Sumatra internee. Returned to Malaya post war and married planter John Hedley. Died 1995 Warwickshire.

DAY A.C.N. Mechanic, Naval Base, Singapore staff. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee – wife M.L. at Palembang.

DOCKER C.E. [Conrad Eley] MBE 1947 Telegraphic Engineer, Eastern Extension Australasia & China Telegraph Co. Ltd, 36 Robinson Rd, Singapore [1935 Directory] then Cable & Wireless. Aged 47 in 1942. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Wife Maria evacuated from Singapore on Ulysses, arriving Fremantle WA 31.12.41. He was repatriated from Singapore to Australia on Highland Chieftain. To NSW.

DOUGHTY Ms Alice Maude Teacher, St Mary’s Girl’s School, Middle Rd, KL. Aged 36 in 1942. Survivor of the sinking of the SS Kuala. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Returned to KL. Active in the YWCA Malaya post war. Member of BAM till 1973.

DOUGHTY Mrs Lurline, aged 59 in 1942. Of 12 Rifle Range Lane, KL. Wife of the Hon. William J. of Hamilton Estate, Nilai, NS., survivor of the SS Kuala. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. Mother of Alice [above] & Janet who lost her leg in the SS Kuala sinking and died 17.2.42. Sumatra internee. Lurline died 30.10.1972 KL.

DUNCAN Ms Jean, aged 11 in 1942. Of Balmoral Rd, Singapore. Her mother Mrs Violet Duncan was killed while embarking SS Kuala at Singapore. Jean survived the sinking of SS Kuala and was taken under the wing of QA Nursing Sister Naomi Davies. They were interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. After the war Jean trained as a nurse & Naomi became the godmother of her first child.

DUNN J.F.C. [James Frederick Collingwood] ‘Colin’ Planter Manager aged 37 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee. Released from Rantan Propat Camp, Sumatra 9.45 and evacuated to India.

DUTHIE D.H.N. [David Hector Naismyth] b.1904. From Balham, London. Singapore Mining Engineer. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 8.5.44 [40].

EAMES Mrs Wilhelmina Van der Straaten ‘Mina’, or “Shirley”, Pahang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Eurasian wife of Ben Eames. Aged 33 in 1942 & daughter Irene Shirley aged 3 in 1942. Survivors of the sinking of the SS Kuala. Interned Padang then Bankinang Camp. Sumatra internees. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Southampton. Marriage broke up after the war. Died 6.5.2004 UK.

ECKERSALL K.P.J. [Kenneth] Staff Sgt RAMC. POW 17.3.42. Interned at Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

EVELING Mrs Ethel aged 28 in 1942. Of 12th Indian General Hospital, Tyersall Park. Survivor of the SS Kuala sinking 14.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

FARQUHARSON F. [Frank] Chief Inspector, Straits Settlements Police. King’s Police Medal 1931. Padang, died in Bankinang Men’s Camp 31.7.1942 [55].

FARQUHARSON Mrs Hilda Wife of Frank, aged 47 in 1942. Of 397 New Bridge Rd, Singapore. With her son, Ian Farquharson, aged 10, survived the SS Kuala sinking 14.2.42. They were interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internees.

FEAKES G.J. [George James] Cable Engineer, Cable & Wireless. Aged 49 in 1942. On HMS Grasshopper [sunk] then on Dabo Island. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Australia on Manunda 10.45.

FISHER Ms Heather Victoria MBE 1946 Australian Nursing Sister, Malayan Medical Service. Aged 42 in 1942. On HMS Grasshopper[sunk] then Padang, Sumatra internee.

FONSECA Ms Phyllis, aged 26. Of 20th Combined General Hospital, Singapore. A survivor of the SS Kuala sinking 14.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang. Sumatra internee.

FRASER A. S.[Adam Sutherland] from Edinburgh. Planter Manager, Bradwall Estate, Siliau NS & Sandycroft Estate, Perak. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 15.3.42 [42] Tigaroenggoe.

FRENCH Mrs Mao the ’Jeyes’list records “…FRENCH W ANG/IND KILLED KUALA W. (BURMESE0) AT LARGE P’BANG…” which is an interestingly high level of knowledge by the Changi internees of a couple who left on the Kuala! it would also appear to be the same lasy as mentioned by Janet Lim in ‘Sold for Silver’ “…Siamese war widow… Mao, was tall and thin seemed rather strange at times and seldom spoke or smiled …(p135)…her husband was thrown overboard with a life belt strapped around him till a lifeboat picked them up a few hours later. When he was at the point of death, he was pushed overboard… Mrs French a Padang, Sumatra internee.

GIFFENING A.T. [Arthur Toussaint] b.1897 Taiping. Mechanical & Mining Engineer, Sungei Way Dredging Ltd, Selangor [1935 Directory]. Aged 44 in 1942. Padang Sumatra internee. Returned to Malaya as a planter in the Kulai area, Johore. (see below)

GIFFENING Mrs Karola V. From Cologne, Germany. Wife of Arthur. Aged 36 in 1942. Of Sidjoendjoeng, Sumatra. British national, interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. She went into internment with nine cats and was genuinely horrified when one of them disappeared. When Arthur retired in 1960 they planned to set out in a Noah’s Ark 10 ton junk with 12 poodles, 27 Siamese cats & various caged birds to Cologne however the junk proved unseaworthy and he briefly resumed planting at Menkuang Rubber Estate, Pahang.

HAMMOND H.F. [Harry Francis] ‘Frank’ b.1897 Educated Seaford College. Joined P. & O. 1914. WW1Military Service 1915-19. P.& O. Singapore Agency 1919.P&O Chief, Singapore 1932- 1942. Aged 45 in 1942. Padang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 6.45. Wife Joyce evacuated to Limpsfield, Surrey.

HANNAFORD S.G. [Sidney George] Mate of Yard Craft, Admiralty aged 37 in 1942. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

HARLEY CLARKE H. – see H.H. Clarke HARLEY Ms Louisa Muir QA Nursing Sister. On Singkep Island 2.42. Padang, Sumatra internee.

HAWES Mrs Esme Jean of Tampin Linggi Estate, Rantau, Negri Sembilan, Malaya. Wife of A.H.M. Aged 28 in 1942. A survivor of the sinking of the SS Kuala. Padang then Bankinang Camp Sumatra internee. The “ Jeyes “ listr records “… HAWES AMB TAMPIN LINGEI WIFE JEAN SUMATRA…”;

HAWTHORNE Mrs Kathryn American of Rengat, Sumatra. Aged 51 in 1942. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. Sumatra internee.

HENDERSON D.W.H. [Douglas Walter] Agent, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, KL. Aged 50 in 1942. Wife evacuated to Australia then the UK. He a SS Kuala survivor 14.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died 21.11.58 London.

HOBBS Mrs Hilda Mary Nursing Sister, Medical & Health Dept, Malacca & Singapore. Aged 37 in 1942. Padang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45.

HOGARTH D. [David] b.1914. Sgt, Bombay Sappers & Miners. POW 17.3.42 but Interned with civilians. At Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

HOMER Ms Kathleen ‘Kita’ b.1900 Worksop. Saleswoman and MAS NS. Of 11 Barker Road, Singapore. A survivor of the SS Kuala sinking 14.2.42. One report had her ‘last seen diving off Kuala.’ Interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. Sumatra internee.

HOPPER W. H. [William Henry] b.1894 Plymouth. Master Mariner, Naval Base. Interned at Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski 10.45. To Plymouth.

JENKINS, Ms Kathleen Mary QA Nursing Sister. On Singkep Island 2.42. Padang, Sumatra internee.

JOHNSTON, G.A. [George Alexander] Bank Official, Chartered Bank. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. The “Jeyes” list records “ JOHNSTON G A CH R STG H BARKER LEFT 14/2 NEI?…”

JOYCE, C. N. W. [Charles Norman Wishart] b.1890. From Chislehurst Kent. To Eastern Telegraph, Singapore 1908. Served as a Pte in the Eastern Telegraph Army Reservist 1916. Later Pte, Scottish Company, Singapore Volunteer Corps. By 1940 Cable & Wireless, Singapore. Wife Piercy evacuated. He was a survivor of the Kuala sinking. Interned at Bankinang Men’s Camp.Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 15.3.43 [53]. Son A.E.W.

KENLAY Isidore Jimmy, Office Clerk/ Shorthand Typist, Burlington Hotel, Coleman St, Singapore. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 26.3.45 [52].

LAMPEN-SMITH W.H.[William Harold] ‘Bill’ MBE 1947 Telegraph Engineer, Penang then Singapore Cable & Wireless. Aged 40 in 1942. On HMS Grasshopper with wife Mary [below]. He was interned at the Military Club, Padang then from 6.42 at the Catholic Club. Then to the Militaryl Prison, Padang 1.43 then Civil Prison 4.43. To Bankinang Men’s Camp 10.43. Sumatra internee. Repatriated by air to Wellington NZ 10.45.

LAMPEN-SMITH Mrs Mary J anet Elizabeth Wife of W.H. Evacuated with husband on HMS Grasshopper. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Son Harry B. evacuated on Centaur, arriving Fremantle WA 13.1.42. Repatriated by air to Wellington NZ. Died 1969. Son Harold now lives in Palmerston North NZ.

LAZAR Ms Beatrice, aged 27 in 1942. Of 27th Indian General Hospital, Gillman Barracks, Singapore. A survivor of the sinking of the SS Kuala 14.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

LEVISON A.H. [Allan Harold] Assistant, Guthries aged 30 in 1942. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. Returned to Singapore 1946. Died 29.6.1998 [86] Jolimont WA.

LEVISON Mrs Jacoba Housewife aged 68 in 1942. Padang Sumatra internee.

LEWIS A.A. [Alfred Ashton] b.1891 Pontypridd, Glamorgan. Marine Engineer, Naval Base, Singapore. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 2.9.45. Wife Mary in Manly NSW.

LEWIS Ms Doreen, aged 28 in 1942. Of 27th Indian General Hospital, Gillman Barracks, Singapore. Survived the sinking of SS Kuala 14.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

LINDSAY, P. [Percy] Engineer, Perak River Hydro-Electrical Power Co. Ltd, Station Rd, Ipoh. Aged 52 in 1942. Records from Changi show that he left with his wife, which raises the question as to what happened to Mrs Lindsay & on what ship they left Singapore. He was interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 26.2.45.

LOPATECKI L.E. [Leighton Eugene] BA 1938 BSA 1939 Educated University of British Colombia. Rubber Chemist, Layang. Aged 37 in 1942. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. Worked at the Dominion Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Saanichton BC post war.

LOPATECKI Mrs Florence worked at Naval Base, Singapore. Padang, Sumatra internee. Children Michael & Susan born post war.

LYON, Dr. Marjorie Jean

MACDUFF, Mrs Brenda Northcote b.1914. nee Lee. Colonial Nursing Sister. Trained at Middlesex Hospital 1934 then Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Arrived Penang 1940 on the Viceroy of India. To Batu Gajah Hospital. Married Ken MacDuff [see below] 8.41. Lived at 140 Gopeng Rd, Ipoh. Evacuated from Singapore on Kuala [sunk]. Aged 28 in 1942. Padang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45. Brenda living in NZ 2011. Her diary at the National University of Medicine USA.

MACKINTOSH W.T. [William Tennent] b.1909. Fire Officer, Naval Base, Singapore. Aboard the Kung Wo – sunk 14.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. Sumatra internee.

MACLEAN Ms Lydia M. QA Nursing Sister aged 31 in 1942. Of Alexandra Hospital, Singapore. She was a survivor of the sinking of SS Kuala 14.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

MALMANCHE Mrs Majory de b.1909 Boxmoor nr Watford. Nurse Sepoy Lines Maternity Hospital, Singapore. Wife of E.V. Kuala survivor 14.2.42. Padang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to NZ by air. Returned to Singapore 1947. Living 2000 in NZ.

MAPLES, R. A. G. [Reginald Ashley Grahame] Storeman, Naval Base, Singapore. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. .; the ‘Jeyes’ list records “…MAPLES GEO NAVAL BASE POLICE SON OF CAPT MAPLES PADANG?…”

McINTOSH W.T. [William Tennant] Fire Officer. Aged 33 in 1942. Padang Sumatra internee. Repatriated via India then on the Atlantis from Bombay to Southampton, arriving 2.4.46. To Buckie, Banffshire.

McMILLAN Ms Nell Steele [recorded in Internment Camp records as Ms Steele-MacMillan]. From Glasgow. To Malaya 1928. Colonial Service Nursing Sister, Johore then Singapore General Hospital. She was a survivor of the sinking of SS Kuala 14.2.42. Initially interned at the ‘Leger des Heils’ [Salvation Army] Hospital where she died 8.12.42 before all the women here were transferred to the Fraterhuis Building at the Mission Complex in Padang [and later to the Bankinang Women’s Camp]. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 8.12.42 [49].

MEE B. S. [Benjamin Samuel] b.1884. To Malaya 1919 as Deputy Stores SuperIntendent FMSRailways. By 1937 Timber Purchase Officer SS & FMS [Forestry Dept]. Lived at Ampang Rd KL. The ‘Jeyes’ list records “…MEE B. B & H FORESTS LEFT 14/2 NEI?…” Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 13.12.44[59] Bangkinang, Sumatra.

MEPHAM W.J. [William John] MBE Canadian Salvation Army officer. Ran SA Hospital, Padang. Aged 39 in 1942. Padang. Sumatra internee. Decorated 1947 for services to internees. Died 1979 California.

MEPHAM Mrs Laura Elizabeth nee Cummins Nurse aged 41 in 1942. Padang, Sumatra internee

MEPHAM J.W. [John Wilbur] their son aged 14 in 1942. Padang, Sumatra internee.

MILLAR J. [John] b.1885 Dumbarton. Accountant, Straits Trading Co.Ltd, Pulau Brani Smelting Works, Singapore. Wife Annie evacuated. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 12.4.45 [61] Bankinang.

MILLER N. C. E. [Norman Cecil Egerton] b.1894 Ramsgate. Educated Aberdeen House, Ramsgate & Privately. Worked or the Post Office 1909-1914 then War Service with Royal Engineer Signals 1915-1919. Returned to Post Office 1919-1925. Seconded 1925 to Tanganyika Tsetse Research Branch, Game Preservation Dept. To Malaya 1928 as Assistant Entomologist, Agricultural Dept SS & FMS KL. On HMS Grasshopper. Wife F.E. evacuated to S.A. then S. Rhodesia. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

MOFFETT, R. N. [Robert Nixon] ‘Bobby’ To Singapore 1928 as Engineer Officer on the delivery voyageof the Governor’s yacht, Seabelle 11. Joined SSC 1928. i/c Malayan Water Transport, Bernam River. Straits Steamship Engineer, Butterworth. Stores Superintendent SSC 1934. Deputy Manager, Sungei Nyok Dockyard. Wife Betty evacuated with daughter C. on Gorgon, arriving Fremantle WA 20.2.42. He was captured by the Japanese & compelled to serve afloat on the Rantau. Briefly Muntok, Sumatra internee. Later Changi internee. Returned to SSC 1946 as Stores Superintendent, Telok Ayer till 1961. He died 24.1.62 [59] Kilsby near Rugby.

MONCUR Mrs Bessie Isabel, of Serangoon English School, Singapore. Aged 40 in 1942 Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Dundee. Died 1990 Gwynedd?

MILNE, D.B. [Douglas Birnie] from Aberdeen. Educated Robert Gordon’s College. Planter Manager, Asahan Rubber Estates Ltd, Harrison & Crossfield, Sumatra. Wife Ruth evacuated. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 23.7.44 [58] Bindjei Prison. Father of Tom b.1926 Malacca, Elma and Eileen.

MORGAN K.S. [Kenneth Sayle] JP b.1895. Educated City of London School. WW1 British Army Service then Indian Army [1/19 Hyderabads – retired 1936 as Major]. In the Army he studied Russian & Japanese. Assistant SuperIntendent Head of Japanese Branch, Special Branch, Singapore 1936-1942. Escaped Singapore on Mary Rose 17.2.42. Wife Vera Amy, aged 40, worked for Singapore Blood Transfusion Service. She was evacuated on the Empress of Japan. Arrived Liverpool 19.3.42. To Wanstead, London. He, a Palembang, Sumatra internee then [left Muntok on 3.5.42] to Changi 7.42. Taught Japanese to internees. Developed chronic asthma in captivity. Retired to Lavenham. Died 14.8.1960 Colchester.

MUIR G.W. [George Watson] Planter, Harrison & Crossfield, Sumatra. Wife Alice [above]. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 1.2.45[49] Penigoran Camp.

NEWMAN G.R. [Gerard Roland] b.1923. Eastern Smelting Apprentice, Student, Trade School. A survivor of the sinking of SS Kuala, he lost many of his family in that tragedy. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp.

NICHOLSON H.S. – see Scoble Nicolson. O’HARA HICKSON T.V.[Terence Vincent]’Terry’ b.1901. Mining Engineer, Tonkah Tin. Evacuated 2.42 to Sumatra. Survived “ SS. Kuala “sinking. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. The “Jeyes” list records “… O’HARE T. TONGKAH CMPD NO 3 RENANG NEI?…” . Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To High Wycombe.

OWEN G. [Gwilym] b.1904. Studied Agriculture at University College, N. Wales. To Malaya 1935 as a Guthries planter. Soils Chemist, Rubber Research Institute KL from 1.41. Aged 38 in 1942. Selangor LDC. On the Tien Kwang 14.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Wife Sybil evacuated. He was repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Rumney, Cardiff. He died 26.7.72.

PAGE Dr. H.J. [Harold James] CMG MBE OBE BSc FISP b.1890. Director, Rubber Research Institute KL. Director of ARP Selangor 1.41- Swam to Pom Pong Island after “Tien Kwang” sinking. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. 1952: Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, Trinidad. Retired to Woking. Wife Gladys Isabel nee Shepperd. Children Michael, Barbara & Denis [he was killed in an RAF flying accident 21.1.44 aged 23]. H.J. died 27.1.72 [81].

PENMAN A. T. [Albert Tulip] b.1914. Sgt, Signals Corps. Interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died 1983 Oxford.

RAPPA, H. [Harry St Cyr] b. 1901. Cable & Wireless Telegraphist. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Married Brenda Florence Bartels 6.33. Harry died 10.4.1989 Singapore.

RIVIERE, C. H. [Cecil Harold] b.1894 Wells, Somerset. An enquiry by LTC E.G. Riviere in the Times 23.11.43 – missing since embarking from Singapore to Sumatra. Manager, Cable & Wireless, Singapore. On HMS Grasshopper. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Wife Muriel Gertrude. He died 1983 Somerset and she 1989.

ROBBINS,  J.A.C. [John Arthur Cornford] BEM 1947 b.1905. Assistant Engineer, Cable & Wireless. Reported lost at sea 2.42 but a Padang, Sumatra internee.

ROBERTSON D.S. [Duncan Struan] MBE 1947 b.1902. Branch Rep/Manager, APC Penang. Escaped Singapore on the” Mutiara”. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Wife Gladys lost at sea 17.2.42 on the “ SS. Tanjong Pinang”. Post-war Manager, Shell, Penang. [with Shell for 30+ years] Retired 3.51. Remarried post war to Vi Middlebrook. Retired 1952. He died 1977 Guernsey. Vi died 1982.

ROBINS J.A.C. [John Arthur Cornford] b.1905 Plymouth. Cable & Wireless. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died 1992 Cornwall.

ROBINSON D.C. [David Carruthers] To Malaya 1938. Assistant Planter. Tebrau Estate, Johore then from 1940 Junior Assistant Immigration Officer, the Immigration Dept, Singapore. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. The “Jeyes” list shows “… ROBINSON D C IMMGR – BVD LEFT SYDALLS YACHT CHINESE WIFE PADANG…”. Mrs. Lily Robinson below his wife? He returned to Singapore post war.

ROBINSON Mrs Lily of Chinese nationality. Of Tijong Bahru Flat 5, Singapore. A survivor of the sinking of the SS Kuala 14..2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

ROSS, J. B. [John Black] b.1897. Manager, Mercantile Bank, Penang 1937-42 Chairman of the Malayan Distress Fund. Survived “SS. Kuala” sinking. At Dabo 2.42. Wife Isabel Clarkson Ross lost at sea on the “SS. Tandjong Pinang “ 17.2.42. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Remarried postwar to Mary. He died 29.6.57 Edinburgh.

SAMUEL C.R. [Charles Robert] b.1883 Wrexham. Educated Grove Park Grammar School. Penang Solicitor 1903- : Partner Logan, Ross & Samuel, 5 Union St, Penang. Member of Penang Rotary Club. Wife Helen Violet Scott Samuel lost on the SS Tandjong Pinang 17.2.42. Daughter married John Lewis. Charles’ diary records that he arrived in Padang on 14.2.42. Interned at Padang and Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 15.12.44 [61] Bankinang.

SCOTT-RAM H. [Herbert Scott] ‘Scottie’ b.1899. ASP [SS] Ltd, St Helen’s Court, Collyer Quay, Singapore [1935 Directory] then Branch Rep. [No.1] Asiatic Petroleum, KL Reserve Lt FMSVF. Escaped Singapore on the Mutiara. [left Palembang on 30.5.42] Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Wife Frances. Daughters Frances and Rosemary. Retired to South Nutfield, Surrey. 2nd wife Anne. Children: Richard, Jilly, Michael, Nicholas, Jane & Sally Ann. H.S. died 9.11.80 [Remembrance Sunday] Surrey.

SCOBLE-NICHOLSON H. [Henry] OBE b.1874. 1866? To Ceylon as a tea planter. Ceylon Labour Commission,India 1893-1926 interrupted by war service with BEF [QM General’s Staff GHQ 1917-1918.] . Major retd. Chief Postal Censor, Malaya 1940-1942. Kuala survivor. Dabo then Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died 1964. Memoirs at IWM.

SELWAY R.H. [Robert Henry] b.1920 Portsmouth. Storeman, Naval Base, Singapore. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the MV Staffordshire, arriving Liverpool 31.1.46. To Copnor, Portsmouth. To Kenya 1947.

SARGEANT Mrs Ruby Wife of F.W.B. of Norseman Estate, Ulu Sepetang, Taiping, Perak. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 15.3.44 [51].

SERVICE Ms Agnes Thomson ‘Sarah’ Colonial Nursing Sister, Johore General Hospital. Survived Kuala sinking and reached Senejang. Nursed the dying Dr Craig. Padang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Kelso, Scotland. Living in Nairn 2002.

SIM A. W. S. [Alexander Woodrow Stuart] OBE 1956 b.1913 Chalfont St Peter. Educated Aldenham School. To Malaya 1934 as Customs Probationer FMS Ipoh. By 1940 Assistant SuperIntendent, Customs Officer FMS Lumut, Perak – incl. Pangkor. Lived at Parit Buntar. SubLt MRNVR. Padang, Sumatra internee. MID. Returned to Malayan Customs till 1961 then Adviser to the BBC on Indonesian & Malay programmes. Died 1989 Carmarthen-Shire.

SMART, L. M. [Leslie Masson] The Hon. CBE b.1889. Educated Glenbervie School, Kincardineshire, Scotland. Worked for Kenya & Uganda Railway 1913-1927 then Tanganyika Railway then Gold Coast. To Malaya 1935 as General Manager FMS Railway HQ KL . Member of Federal Council. Aged 53 in 1942. Dabo / Padang Sumatra internee with wife Annie, aged 56, who was interned at Padang then Bankinang Camp. She slightly wounded on HMS Grasshopper. Both were repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45.

SMITH Mrs Bonita Mabel Victoria nee Millis. From Brighton, Australia. Wife of Charles [married 1938 Singapore]. Aged 35 in 1942. Of 174 Cornwall Gardens, Singapore. Survived the sinking of SS Kuala 14.2.42. The Kuala’s surviving passengers made it to Pom Pong Island after it was sunk. Bonita was interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp.

She did not leave Pom Pong island on the ill – fated ‘SS Tanjung Pinang’ (most women on Pom Pong Island were coerced to board that vessel it seems, leaving only the nurses on ‘night duty’ behind) so she was possibly swept by currents to some nearby island after the sinking of the Kuala and then made her way to Sumatra and across to Padang where she was captured and interned at Padang, Fraterhuis, Bankinang etc.

Her husband Charles, a ‘Government Servant’, was interned in Changi Prison/Sime Road and may not have known what happened to Bonita since he recorded Bonita as his NOK and her contact via Bank of NSW, Melbourne.

Bonita appears to have returned to Singapore in June 1946 from the UK – maybe she was repatriated there?

SMITH Miss G. Palembang women’s camp 1942, Cross list notes “…left the camp on 4.12.42 for Singapore…”. Sumatra Internee.

SMITH Ms Jean Ferguson To Malaya 1938. Nursing Sister, Batu Gajah Hospital. Aged 34 in 1942. Padang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Blairgowan.

SPARROW H.R. [Herbert Robert] b.1889. Educated Regent St Polytechnic. Assistant Electrical Engineer FMS 1920. Electrical Engineer KL 1927. Various appointments as a Chartered Electrical Engineer: Director Electrical Dept KL/ Selangor 1938- Evacuated on HMS Grasshopper [sunk]. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Wife Dorothy Anne evacuated to Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He died in captivity 12.9.45 [56] Padang. Dorothy died 7.3.49 [53] Newcastle-on-Tyne.

SPRADBROW W.A.[William Arthur] b.1900. Printer IN Ceylon from 1930 then for the Malay Mail before joining the Government Press KL. Evacuee 2.42 . A survivor of the sinking of the SS Kuala 14.2.42. On raft with Janet Lim. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp where in May 1942 she is recorded as teaching beginner Malay classes. Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45. Returned to Malaya 1946. Acting Deputy Government Printer, Singapore then from 1952 Government Printer, Borneo. Awarded the Imperial Service Order. Retired 1965 after 35 years as a printer in the Far East. Died 2.1967 UK.

SPEDDING Ms Violet Cecil Daisy b.1889 Devon. QA Matron, 20TH Combined General Hospital, Gillman Barracks, Singapore. Survivor of the sinking of the SS Kuala. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died 1968 Hants.

STEEL W.N. [William] b.1893. An ex-Argyll from Stirling. Manager, Eastern Bank Ltd Singapore. Wife Mary, aged 47, evacuated on the Empress of Japan. Arrived Liverpool. To Stirling. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee after surviving “SS. Kuala “ sinking 14.2.42. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Bridge of Allan, Scotland.

STRACHAN C. [Charles] from Aberdeen Planter, Soengie Bedjankar Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Sumatra [1933 Directory]. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 12.12.44 [50] Kisaran Hospital.

STURT, H. H. [Horace Holford] b.1896 Hampstead. Educated Marlborough College and [1919 only] Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. WW1 Service: 3/4th Btt Wiltshire Regiment then MG Corps 1915-1919. Lt. Mentioned in Despatches. To Singapore 1919. Married Evelyne Frances Brooke, daughter of Dr Brooke of Singapore, 1923 Singapore. Also ASP Bangkok, then Assistant Manager, Asiatic Petroleum, Shell House, Singapore. Aged 46 in 1942. Escaped to Sumatra 14.2.42 on launch Mutiara Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Sons George & Humphrey. H.H. joined Shell Head Office in London 1946-1953. On the Committee of the British Association of Malaya. Retired to Wimborne, Dorset. Died 9.2.62 [65] Wimborne, Dorset.

SYDDALL N. [Norman] b.1892. Major. Consulting Architect & Civil Engineer, Sino-British Engineering Corporation, 31 Meyer Chambers, Singapore. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

SYDDALL Mrs Peggy Wife of Norman. Of Chinese ethnicity. Aged 29 in 1942. Lived at 501 K, East Coast Rd, Singapore. Interned with son Peter, aged 8 in 1942, at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

TRAVERS C.A. [Charles Austin]b.1900 Liverpool. Institute Manager and Fire Officer, Naval Base. Also NAAFI. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Liverpool. Died 1970 Birkenhead.

TRETCHIKOFF V. [Vladimir] b.1913 Petropavlovsk, Siberia. Artist: Art Dept, Warin Publicity Services Ltd, KPM Chambers, Singapore. Straits Times Cartoonist and Ministry of Information propaganda artist. Married Natalie Telpregoff ‘Boba’ 1935. Daughter Mimi b.1938. They evacuated 6.2.42. He on the Giang Bee 13.2.42 Survived the sinking & landed in Sumatra before rowing to Java. Interned in Java then released there on parole. To SA post war. Died 26.8.2006 [92].

WALKER Mrs Robina Margaret Jean aged 32 in 1942, husband with Bousteads. The “Jeyes” list shows “WALKER J. CADENHEAD BOUST POW WIFE NEI?…”; the MRB 1943 list also shows “Walker Mrs. ‘Frankie’ Bousteads. Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45.

WALTHO S.C. [Sidney Charles] b.1897 Shropshire. To Singapore 1923. Weights Inspector, Straits Trading Company. Air Raid Warden, Pulau Brani. Wife Bessie evacuated to UK. He was evacuated on Kuala [sunk] then got as far as Dabo. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 8.4.45[48] Bankinang, Sumatra.

WAUGH Mrs Mabel May Colonial Nursing Service Matron, Kuala Lipis General Hospital. Widow of Vernon. Died in captivity 17.3.42 [50] Padang.

WHALAN C.V. [Clive Victor]. and Mrs Edith May, both were Australian , he a jockey b.1902 & wife aged 42. Kuala survivors on Singkep Island 19.2.42. Both were interned at Padang then respectively in the Men’s then Women’s Camp, Bankinang. Sumatra internees. Repatriated from Singapore to Australia on Highland Chieftain. To NSW. Retired to Petersham, NSW. He died 25.8.76.

WHYBRO/WYBRO Mrs Amelia “Billie”, aged 34 years, of 345 Bukit Timah road, Singapore, American survivor of the sinking of the “SS. Kuala” and interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s camp. Billie, reported to be a tall, rather stern looking woman, had been an American journalist covering the Sino – Japanese War when she met and married an English diplomat in Singapore. Her real name was Amelia Wilson Hyer (sister of American comedienne Martha Hyer) and took the name of Wybro from a friend John Wybro who nobly assisted her to obtain grounds for a divorce. Shirley Eames, who was a small girl in camp, recollects that Billie “…many times she had bartered her bits of jewellery to buy me food…”. After the war she married a Dutchman and became Mrs. Van der Beek/Beck and authored a book “Under the Rising Sun” Sumatra Internee.

WOODMAN Miss Kathleen ‘Woody’ aged 35 in 1942. QA Nursing Sister, 1st General Hospital, Malaya. A survivor of the sinking of the SS Kuala. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee.

WYATT, W. H. [William Henry] b.1892. WW1 Service 1914-1919 in France, Salonika, Egypt & Palestine. Worked for HM Stationery Office UK 1922-1923.To Palestine 1923 as SuperIntendent of Printing. To Singapore 1933 as Deputy SuperIntendent, Govt Printing Office. To FMS 1935 as SuperIntendent, Govt Printing Dept. Acting Sub-Lt SS RNVR [1937]. Lived at 141 Circular Rd KL. Left Singapore 13.2.42 [Jeyes list]. Interned at Padang then Bankinang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Wife Eveleen evacuated on Narkunda, arriving Fremantle WA 24.1.42.


HAMBROOK, A. H. [Alfred Henry] b.1889 Nantwich. To Malaya 1913 & 1920. Planter Manager, Greahan Harrison & Crossfield, Estate, Bangoen Poerba, Sumatra- Anglo-Sumatra Rubber Co. Ltd [1935 Directory]. Aged 51 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 16.7.1944[55] Bindjei Prison.

Alfred Hambrook Probate

HAMBROOK, Mrs May nee Steele. Wife of A.H. [above]. Aged 51 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. May was repatriated via Bombay, arriving Southampton on the Canton 20.12.1945. To Bebington, Cheshire. May died 6.1947 Wirral. Daughter Mavis b.1926. Son Joseph b.1928


CHAMBERLIN, F. W. [Frederick William] ‘Fred’ MBE 1963. Marine Dept Office, Straits Steamship Company: Assistant Marine SuperIntendent. Formerly Pte 12960 B Company 1SSVF and MVAF. Later Captain. Escaped from Singapore 13.2.42 on Relau but intercepted by Japanese 16.2.42. Muntok, Pladjoe, Palembang, Sumatra internee. Sent to work in ship yards in Japan 13.10.42. Nagasaki 8.11.42, Mitsubishi Shipyard 23.1.43, Yokohama 14.10.44 then near Tokyo, ending the War in Kamaichi, North Honshu. Wife Jean died 1941 after giving birth. Infant son John [b.1941 Singapore, died 1.2.42 Perth WA] died there of enteritis. F.W. returned postwar as Marine SuperIntendent SSC. Awarded MBE for services in connection with seamen’s welfare, Singapore. Married Margaret Work, daughter of a Captain Robert James Work, retired [1935] SSC SuperIntendent. Retired to Scarborough, Yorkshire 1960s. 3 young sons Robert, Richard and John [on Narkunda arriving Fremantle WA 24.1.42]. A member of BAM till 1973. Died 12.89.