(Some internees have their own individual pages. On the list below, these pages can be accessed via a link on those individuals’ names).
We would like to thank Jonathan Moffatt, Michael Pether, and Becca Kenneison for compiling this list.
Because the focus of this website is on those civilians who escaped from Singapore by boat in mid-February 1942; the nationality of the persons listed here reflects that reality and hence, for the most part, are from Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. An effort is also being made to add the names of those Dutch civilians who were resident in eastern Sumatra at the time of the Japanese invasion and occupation and who were also interned at Palembang and Muntok along with those who had escaped from Singapore.
Although the names of civilians & POWs captured in Singapore were very carefully recorded including the Changi Register and the POW index cards now at National Archives, Kew, the wartime lists of Sumatra internees were extremely inaccurate in both the recording of names and professions. The main sources of information appears at the end of the list. We welcome any additions and corrections that will enhance this list of names.
ADAM, C. H. He died on 05.10.1944 and appears on the list of those buried at Muntok but he does not appear on William McDougall’s list. His grave is E23 on the Graves page. He is also listed on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website HERE.
ADAM, F.M. [Frederick Marshall] ‘Fred’ Assistant, Mansfield & Co. Penang since early 1930s. ARP Singapore. In the Relau/Rantau Mansfields escape party from Singapore 13.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 25.1.45 [38] Muntok. His grave is not marked on the graves map. Wife Joan nee Scott evacuated to Australia on the Gorgon. Daughters Judy Joan & Judy also evacuated to Perth WA. Joan remarried post war & had 2 sons. She died 1980s. His probate record is below.
AERIA, Mrs Vera. I. and her two children Barbara and Leonard.

AITKEN, J. C. H. [John Coutts Hogg] b.1891 Aberdeen. To Malaya 1919. Planter Manager, Jitra Rubber Plantations Ltd, Padang Serai, S. Kedah and Jitra, N. Kedah. LDC. Left Singapore 12.2.42. Wife Ruth, aged 37, evacuated on the Empress of Japan to WA then via Capetown to Liverpool arriving 19.3.42. To West Cults, Aberdeen. John was a Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 25.11.44 [54] Muntok. His grave is E17 on the Graves page.
ALBERT, L. B. Died in captivity 3.6.45 [64] Belalau.
ALEXANDER, H. M. Gammon [Malaya] Ltd, Ocean Building, Singapore. Palembang Men’s Camp, Sumatra internee. ‘’Wife c/o J. C. Gammon Ltd., Winchester House, London…”. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski 10.45. A member of BAM 1950s/60s.
ALFRED, N. [Norman] Procurator aged 42 in 1942.
ALLAN, Ms E. Palembang Women’s camp 1942.
ALLISON, J. M. [John Munt] b.1896 Romford, Essex. To Malaya 1914. Planter Manager, East Coast of Sumatra. With wife Dorrit, aged 43 in 1942, & children Helen [13] & Jonathan [5] Sumatra internees. Dorrit, Helen & Jonathan repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. Post-war Manager, Sungei Siput Estate. 1st planter killed in the Malayan Emergency 16.6.48. There is more on Allison HERE (<– external link)
ANDERSON, Mrs Frances Mary Arkcoll Wife of William from Penang. “…husband in Changi…”, Sumatra internee. When in March 1944 women were no longer taken to the local hospital and Mary became ill she was cared for by Phyllis Briggs’s (diary record) “…She was desperately thin and no one would have recognised her. I had known her in Penang. She had been a large woman with a booming voice and a very keen golfer. Now she was frail and pathetically grateful for anything one did for her. She died on the 4th March …” . Before she died Mary made a will leaving her belongings to various friends. She left me a linen dress and a piece of mosquito netting…” Died in captivity 5.3.44 [46] Palembang, Sumatra .
ANDERSON, S. A. [Stewart Alexander] OBE 1964. Partner, Ritchie & Bissett Hull [Naval Architects], Union Building, Singapore. Aged 32 in 1942. Escaped Singapore 13.2.42 in the Relau/Rantau SSC group. Intercepted 16.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. To Changi? Wife Rene; children Carole b.1947 & Alan. With Ritche & Bissett, Singapore postwar. Retired to West Linton, Peebleshire. Died 28.10.66 Edinburgh.
ANGUS, Ms. Lucille Yvonne, daughter of Mr & Mrs Hugh Angus of Singapore. Singapore Cold Storage employee. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking, Palembang Women’s camp 1942 “…left Camp 12.2.43…” and was returned to Singapore, Changi & Sime Road internee.
ANTHONY, Mrs Regina Wife of Joseph M. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 16.9.42 [85] Palembang. Cross list shows dod as 18.9.42 [Regina’s two granddaughters were Beatrice Teeling and Katherine Dyne]
ARATHOON, Hoseb Sarkies of Stephens, Paul & Co. Commercial Union Building, Singapore. Palembang Men’s Camp, Sumatra internee. (see also The Armenian Community in Singapore)
ATKIN-BERRY, H. G. [Henry Gordon] Architect, Swan & McLaren, Hong Kong Bank Chambers, Singapore. Palembang Men’s Camp, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity of dysentery 20.4.42 [48] Palembang – as did Robbins.
ARMSTRONG Mrs Theresia ‘Resie’ Palembang Women’s camp 1942. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 7.2.45 [51] Muntok. This may be the wife of “..ARMSTRONG H M MERCHT HEEREN B”LDG WIFE + 2CHIL PALEMBANG…”
ARMSTRONG Ms Dixle Resie her daughter. Palembang women’s camp 1942. Died in captivity 5.4.45 [32] Muntok
ARMSTRONG R. [Ralph] Son of Mrs Resie Armstrong. Survived Vyner Brooke sinking. Muntok/ Palembang Women’s camp 1942. (see his book ‘A Short Cruise on the Vyner Brooke’)
ARNOLD, C. J. [Charles John] ‘Corky’ WW1 Cpl to 2nd Lt MSVR 1917. General Manager, Edinburgh Rubber Estates Ltd, Kepong, Selangor. Wife Ida evacuated to Cape Town SA but she died there 25.1.43. He died in captivity 3.1.44 [70] at Muntok, of dysentery. His grave is marked on the Muntok graves map. His son, Major John Arnold, killed 1950 in the Malayan Emergency.
ASHTON Carrie J. AANS Nursing Sister aged 37 in 1942. Phyllis Briggs’s diary notes “… 15th December 1944 ‘Fatty’ [a Japanese guard] let Jenny Ashton … pick some beans from his garden, but a few beans added to a stew for six hundred doesn’t make much difference…” Palembang.
ATTENBOROUGH, W. [William] Mechanical Engineer, S Malayan Tin. Sub-Lt RNVR 3rd Engineer. Aged 33 in 1942. Giang Bee. Palembang Sumatra internee. He is listed in the ‘Jeyes” document as “…ATTENBOROUGH W. P. S. MUN C PALEMBANG…”
AUSTIN Mrs Mary Melvene from Manly NSW Australia. Wife of Kenneth. Aged 41 in 1942. Died on 12.4.45 [43] buried at sea off Banka Island on the way to Palembang.
AXON Mrs Queenie Mary nee Danker. Wife of Army L/Cpl Alfred John Axon, Manchester Regiment. They married 10.40 Johore Bahru. Aged 31 in 1942. With daughter Patricia Ann, aged 3, a Palembang internee. Cross list notes “…(?) Died on 28.9.45 in Singapore…” L/Cpl Axon remained in Johore 1945 [Jalan Waterworks JB]. In 1963 Patricia married Bill Bagby, son of Sumatra internee Wally Bagby.
BAGBY, W. S. [Walter Scott] ‘Wally’ b. N. Z. Jockey & Horse Trainer. Giang Bee survivor. Palembang internee. 4 sons incl. Walter & Billy. Returned to Malayan racing post war. Died 2.67 [57] Auckland N. Z.
BALDOCK, D. [Denys] b. 1892 Lamport, Northants. Manager, Boeloe Telang Estate, Medan. Sumatra internee. Wife Elsie Winifred. Children Denise b.1921, Richard b.1922, John b.1926. Denys was repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45 then to Vancouver BC.
BANKS, D. [Douglas] Engineer, Cable & Wireless. Aged 48 in 1942. On HMS Tapah 2.42. Palembang. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To London.
BARDEN, H. [Hubert] b.1899 Huddersfield. Accountant, Eastern Bank, Medeiros Building, Malacca St. Singapore. Married Lorna Mary Payne of Singapore & WA 1933. Lived at 50 Barker Rd, Singapore. HMS Grasshopper or Giang Bee? Palembang, Sumatra internee. Lorna & daughter Nanette Louise [b.1934 Singapore] evacuated to the UK. He was taken to Australia on Highland Brigade, arriving Sydney 15.10.45. To Indonesia 1948, India 1953 then retired to South Africa 1960.
BARKER, O. G. [Oliver George] b.1893 Toxteth Park. To Sumatra 1919. Planter, Harrison & Crossfield. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Sefton Park, Liverpool. Returned to Sumatra as a planter until 1954 then retired to Jersey, the Channel Islands.
BARLOW Margery. Died in captivity 5.10.43 [53] Palembang
BARNES, A. A. [Alan Aitchison] Planter, Batoe Giaggang Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Bangeon Poerba, Serdang, Sumatra. Aged 44 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45 then to Nelson BC Canada.
BARNES, P. C. [Philip Christian] Assistant P&O, Collyer Quay, Singapore. CQMS Singapore LDC on the Mata Hari 14.2.42. Palembang Sumatra internee. Philip died in captivity 7.11.44 [46]. His grave today is at Jakarta. His wife Lorna Catherine escaped Singapore and was repatriated to India on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. She died 31.12.50 at Littlehampton, Sussex.
BARNETT Mrs Blanche Wife of E.P. Evacuated from Singapore. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Aberdeen. Married George Douglas Allen post war.
BARNETT, E. P. [Edward Percy] ‘Eddie’ Planter, Eastern Sumatra Rubber Estates. Died in captivity on 3.4.42 [30] at Palembang, Sumatra. He was one of the first civilian internees to die. The name of the rubber plantation that he may have managed was Bokit Maraja Estate near Pematang Siantar on Sumatra.
BARTON J.A. [John Arnold] ‘Jack’ Planter Manager, Dusun Durian Estate, Banting. Aged 47 in MRNVR Interned Palembang Men’s Camp. Wife evacuated to UK. Retired to Putney, London in ill health. Died 14.12.48.
BATEMAN Ms E. Clerical Staff, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, Collyer Quay, Singapore – Interned at Palembang.
BATEMAN Mrs M. Mrs P. Ms E. & Ms Betty Sumatra internees – Palembang
BATTENSBY Mrs Mary Awmack ‘Mona’ Daughter of the Mellors [see below]. Wife of Eric William of Tapah Rubber Estates. He was lost at sea on the Giang Bee. Mona aged 49 in 1942. Sumatra internee – Palembang. Died in captivity 11.2.45 [51] Muntok – CWGC record. Mrs Cross list has 2.2.45.
BAXTER – the ‘Jeyes’ list records”… BAXTER OF S’PORE INT PADANG…” This may be C.R. Baxter of Bousteads who was reported missing in 1942.
BAYLISS Mrs Olive nee Hogan aged 24 in 1942. Wife of Staff Sgt R.Bayliss RASC Sumatra internee – Palembang . Repatriated to the UK 10.45 on the Sobieski.
BEESTON Ms Louise b.1907 Stoke-on-Trent. Teacher, St Andrew’s School, Singapore from 1936. Aged 35 in 1942. Palembang Women’s Camp, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Stoke on Trent. Returned to St Andrew’s, Singapore. Later Supervisor for all three Anglican schools in Singapore: St Andrew’s, St Hilda’s, St Margaret’s. Retired on health grounds 1960. Died 12.1983 Barnstable, Devon.
BEGG N.F. [Norman Fraser] Assistant General Manager, Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Co. Ltd, Ipoh, Perak. Wife Olive evacuated to Australia on the Aoranji then to the UK. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To London. Died 16.10.53 [61] London.
BELLAMY – the ‘Jeyes’ document records “…BELLAMY T PLANTER? SSVF MISSING BEFORE PAL?…”
BLAKE Ms Kathleen Constance b.1912 Chatswood NSW. AANS Nursing Sister. Palembang women’s Camp 1942.
BLAKE, L. R. [Leslie Robert] and wife Mrs D.M. and child
BLANCH Jessie Jane b.1910 Bangalow NSW. AANS Nursing Sister aged 32 in 1942. Palembang internee.
BLUNN W.G.C. [Walter George Cunnew] the Hon. JP b. 1887. Educated privately in London. To Malaya 1906 with Eastern Extension Telegraph Co. Managing Director, George Blunn & Co.Ltd, Java St, KL from 1920. Keen amateur rider, rifle shot and swimmer. Unofficial Member Federal Council, Member State Council, Selangor. Member Selangor Chamber of Commerce. Lived at the Lilac Lantern, 120 Java St, KL Wife Alison [married 1915 Penang. Active in Malayan Red Cross and YWCA] in Simla. Palembang internee. Retired to Cobham, Surrey. Wife died 28.11.61. Member of BAM till 1973. He died 5.1974 [87] Storrington, Sussex.
THE BOSWELL FAMILY: A number of members of this family were interned, including: Frederick Victor Boswell. His grave is E1 on the graves page; Leonora (Norah) Josephine, nee de Souza, wife of Frederick. As well as a number of their children and other family members. Details on this family can be found HERE.
BOURHILL Ms June Daughter of A.G. Bourhill of Singapore. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking 15.2.42. Her mother, Dorothy Bourhill was lost at sea. June survived 4 days on a life raft, losing a finger. Aged 10 in 1942. Palembang Women’s camp 1942 “…father in Malaya – mother missing…”, Sumatra internee. Looked after by Mrs Murray. Today June Brown, aged 80, living in Ireland [2011].
BOYALL H.E. [Herbert Edward] b.1904 Bromley, Kent. Planter, Serapoh Estate, Tandjong Poera, Sumatra. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. Died 6.1967 Lewisham.
BREE B.M. [Bernard Medlicott] b.1890 Birkenhead. Barkeeper, Empress of Asia. Palembang men’s camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 14.11.44 [54]. Grave today at Jakarta War Cemetery.
BREWER F.W. [Frank Wilman] FRIBA b.1886 Richmond. Educated King’s College School and King’s College, London University. Partner, Smith & Brewer [Architects], London 1907-1919, Captain RE 1915-1918. Singapore architect since 1920 [Cathay Building, Singapore Swimming Club, New Palace, Johore]. President of the Singapore Boxing Board of Control office at 51 the Arcade, Singapore. Singapore LDC 12.40 to ARP Singapore. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Returned to Singapore post war then retired to Jersey. Died 8.4.71 London.
BRIGGS Ms Phyllis Mary Erskine
BROCKMAN – the ‘Jeyes’ list records “…BROCKMAN C BCL PADANG ?…”
BRODIE J.C. [John Cowie] ‘Jock’ b.1892 Renfrew. WW1 Service as a rating in the Royal Navy. He served on HMS Vernon designing wireless equipment. To Sydney, Australia 1936 then to Malaya 1939. Draughtsman with Anglo-Oriental Mining Ltd. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Performed at camp concerts in the style of Harry Lauder & presided over St Andrew’s Day celebrations. Repatriated from Singapore to Australia on Highland Chieftain. To NSW. Died 1957 Chatswood NSW. The diary he wrote describing his time as a civilian internee can be read here.
BROOKS Mrs Rachel Rosamund nee Morgan, b.1904 Perth WA. To Singapore as a Nursing Sister at the General Hospital. Married Arthur Cecil Brooks, Assistant Govt Analyst SS 1931. He a Changi & Sime Rd internee, Singapore. She worked in the Chemistry Dept, Singapore. Sumatra internee. Died 11.2001 East Surrey.
BROWN Mrs Mary Elizabeth with daughter Dorothy Shelagh.
BROWN, F. G. [Francis Grainger] Manager, Radio & Valve Dept, GEC, Magnet House, 12 Battery Rd, Singapore. Forestry Dept?? Aged 42 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 5.11.44 Muntok.
BROWN, H. H. [Herbert Henry] ‘Boiler’ Marine Superintendent and Surveyor of Ships, Johore. Sub Lt SS RNR 1935. Lieutenant, Straits Settlements RNVR/MRNVR but interned as a civilian. Died in captivity 21.5.42 [52] Palembang Men’s Camp of dysentery. Wife Emilia.
BRUCE A. [Alexander] Estates Department Harrisons & Crossfield Ltd, Medan, Sumatra. Died in captivity 16.3.42[43] at Palembang (?), Sumatra. Wife Anna & daughter Ann evacuated to Australia.
BROWN S.H. Civil official? Aged 34 in 1942. Sumatra internee
BRUCE H. [Henry] Planter Manager, Goenoeng Malajoe Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Sumatra. Aged 38 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Ayr, Scotland. [H.B. of Hardieburn Estate KL and later in Portugal?]
BRYANT G. E. [George] Admiralty civilian staff. Aged 24 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski 10.45. To London.
BRYCE Mrs & son Palembang women’s camp 1942. [may be Mrs Eileen Bryce & son Graham. Wife of Harry Steven Bryce of Carey Island]?]
BULL Mrs Annabelle and daughter Hazel.
BULLWINKEL Vivian b.1915 Kapunda, South Australia. AANS Nursing Sister. Survived the massacre of nurses on Banka Island. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died 3.7.2000.
BUNDY Mrs Christine Gladys (see also Cleveley (below))
BURN J.T. Clerk aged 49 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee
BURN L. [Lindsay] Draughtsman Mining Engineer, Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging, Thailand. Aged 48 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Son of George and Eliza Nisbet Burn of Edinburgh, Scotland. Wife Florence Sturgeon Burn evacuated to Sydney, Australia. Died in captivity 14.11.44 [58] at Muntok. His grave is F17 on the Graves page.
BURNS T. [Thomas] 2nd Officer, Fire Brigade, Motor, Water & Oil Services, Singapore Harbour Board. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife evacuated on Rantau He died in captivity 22.10.44 [50] at Muntok. His grave is F22 on the Graves page.
BURNSIDE C.R.W.[Charles Richard Warwick] Planter Manager, Yong Peng Estate, Paloh, Johore. Wife Winifred Pauline, aged 43, & son Richard, aged 5, evacuated on Aorangi, arriving Fremantle WA 23.142. To Perth WA then Maritzburg SA then to Liverpool on the SS Andes, arriving 22.5.45. To Hamble, Hants then Ramsgate. He was a Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 19.6.45 [48].
CAMERON Mrs Annie C. nee Dickson. Aged 49 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45.
CAMPBELL, A. [Andrew] Planter Manager, Soengie Merah Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Serdang, Sumatra. Aged 53 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45. To Co. Antrim. 1952: Tiong Kiat Estate, Paloh, Johore
CAMPBELL, C. D. [Colin Douglas]
CAMPBELL, Sir John Bruce Stuart Bart
CANTLAY, A. [Alfred] Tea Planter aged 40 in 1942. MRB 1943 records “Cantlay A.V.W. Planter (civilian internee), Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the Nieuw Holland, arriving Liverpool 15.10.45. To Collieston, Aberdeenshire. Living in Aberdeen 1950s/1960s.
CARRUTHERS, A. H. [Andrew Henry]
CARRUTHERS, Mrs Emily Marguerita. Wife of Andrew.
CARRUTHERS, W. T. Miner, Anglo-Oriental. Left Singapore 16.2.42 in a small boat. Sumatra internee.
CASSELS R.M.B. [Bayley] Electrical Dept FMS. Palembang Sumatra internee.
CASTLE, Miss Edith Evangeline ‘Ena’ Castle was born in 1895 (UK census 1911) in the Doncaster area and in 1911 was living at Wheatley, Yorkshire ( West Riding) which is a suburb of Doncaster, but apart from being a Colonial nursing Sister and specifically Matron of the Telok Anson (the town is now known as ‘Teluk Intan’ after a name change in the 1980s and the old hospital has been replaced by a new one less prone to flooding) Hospital, Perak, little is known of her life apart from the fact that she took ‘home leave’ in 1931 leaving on the P. & O. ‘Mantua’ for Europe (SFPMA 10.4.31) and was from Doncaster; in her late 40s when she boarded the ship in February 1942 , she survived the sinking of the ‘Vyner Brooke’ but died aged 50 years in Muntok Camp on 19.11.44; the official record is Miss Edith Evangeline Castle, died on 19.11.44 at Muntok, Banka Island, aged 50 years, daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. B. Castle of Doncaster, Yorkshire (CWGC).
Colonial Service Nursing Sister: Seremban 1935. Matron, Telok Anson Hospital, Perak. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 19.11.44 [50] Muntok.
CHAMBERLAIN Denis Infant aged 1 in 1944. Sumatra internee
CHAMBERS, J. L. [John Laurence] BA b.1898. Educated Omagh Academy and Trinity College, Dublin. WW1 Service in France, Egypt and Palestine 1917-1921. To Malaya 1927 as Assistant Engineer PWD FMS. Pte FMSVF [1937]. By 1940 State Engineer Trengganu. Aged 42 in 1942. Evacuated on Marella out of Singapore 10.2.42. Vyner Brooke survivor? Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Glasgow. Returned to post war Malaya.
CHAMBERS, Mrs Nora Wife of John, aged 37 in 1942. Survived the sinking of the Vyner Brooke. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Whilst in Palembang she and Miss Dryburgh prepared music from memory for a four part orchestra and “…as there were no instruments we hummed the accompaniment and it sounded lovely…”, then in Muntok camp later in October 1944 she was one of the fine women who , with her sister Ena Murray and also Audrey Owens , who volunteered to carry out the ‘…filthy and nauseating task…’ of emptying overflowing latrines.( Phyllis Briggs’s diary); 5 year old daughter evacuated to UK. Nora’s father Mr Hope died in Changi. . Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45 with husband John. To Glasgow. Returned to post-war Malaya. Died 1987.
CHAN Mrs & sons Daris & John Vyner Brooke sinking survivors. Palembang internees. Daris died at Muntok 2.42. Released.
CHRISTIE, W. D. [William Douglas] Canadian Assistant Planter, 10th Mile Estate, Kempas Ltd, Tangkah, Johore. Lt MRNVR but civilian internee, Palembang Men’s Camp. Aged 23 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45.
CLANCY Ms Veronica Ann b.1912 Urelea, South Australia. AANS Nursing Sistere aged 29 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
CLARK, C. L. [Charles] Planter, Harrison & Crossfield. Aged 27 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Angus, Scotland with wife Cornelia.
CLARK Mrs Cornelia Wife of Charles. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Angus, Scotland with Charles.
CLARKE H.H. [Henry Harley] LDS Dentist aged 48 in 1942. Secretary, Singapore Swimming Club. Married Norah Margaret Lindbergh 1926. Wife, a Dr at Muar Hospital, evacuated to Perth W.A. Retired to Wolverhampton.
CLARKE R. J. P. [Richard James Potter] b. 1888 Long Lawford near Rugby. Sheep Farmer: Proprietor, Changi Farm. Subject of a bankruptcy case 1939. Food Supplier to the Naval Base. Aged 54 in 1942. Wife Anne evacuated on Gorgon, arriving Fremantle WA 20.2.42. He left the Naval Base on the Kung Wo [sunk]. Died in captivity 19.11.44 [56] at Muntok where his grave is marked as F10 on the cemetery plan.
CLEVELEY Mrs Christine (first wife of Alfred Bundy (see above))
CLOSE, Mrs. Violet aged 39 in 1942. Sumatra internee with 4 children: John T. [16], Joan [18], Shelagh [14] and David G. [12]. Evacuated aboard the Mata Hari. In Palembang Women’s camp and then moved with other women back to Muntok in October 1944 by ship. John in the Men’s Camp – flogged for leaving camp.
COCKE, Mrs. Marjorie Hindhaugh. Wife of Morris Hayward Cocke. A nurse St John’s Ambulance Brigade. Daughter of Arthur Henry and Isobella Mary Shield of Bentley Lodge, Richmond Road, Ealing, London. Held at Palembang. Died in captivity 5.3.45 [53]. Moffat’s list does not indicate where she died but another list states Muntok.
COLLEY Mrs Mamie F. Schoolmistress aged 37 in 1942. On Mata Hari. In Palembang Women’s camp she held country dancing classes which many women joined when they felt fit enough, Sumatra internee [ Muntok, Banka, Palembang, Loebok Lingau]. Wife of Captain J.B. RASC.
CONOLLY V.R.A. [Vernon Rowe] from Southall, Middlesex. Planter Manager, Changkat Salak Rubber and Tin Ltd, Perak. Aged 52 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife W.[ A.I.?] and son P.V. evacuated on Aorangi, arriving Fremantle WA 23.1.42. He died in captivity 17.10.44 [49] Muntok. His grave is F23 on the graves page.
CONSTABLE W.I.M. [William Ian MacDonald] Planter: 1935 Directory has as Assistant, Dolok Estate, Lima Poeleh, Sumatra [United Serdang Rubber Plantations to Harrison & Crossfield]. Aged 43 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Edinburgh.
COOKE Mrs M.S.K. aged 51 in 1942. Sumatra internee
COOKSON C.L.S.[Charles Lynn Stanley] Student aged 16 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee
COOPER Ms Mary from Carrickmacross, Co. Monoghan. QA Nursing Sister. Survived the Tandjong Pinang sinking 17.2.42. Palembang, In October 1942 she and Turner, Neubronner and Macalister were sent to work in a native hospital, in April 1943, for no apparent reason they were imprisoned by the Kempetai in small cells in the local gaol and suffered great hardship. Released after about six months. Mary never really recovered from this ordeal. Died in captivity 20.6.1945 [27].
COPELAND Ms J. ‘Bunty’ Teacher Education Dept. Palembang Women’s Camp, Sumatra internee. [same as below?]
COUPLAND Ms Jessie b.1907, Malayan Nursing Service 1940- Repatriated on the Sobieski from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 23.10.45. To Wigtown, Scotland. Returned to Malaya 1946.
CORKE Mrs Majorie Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 5. 3.45 Sumatra
CORKE, R. T. [Ralph Thierry] b.1887 Rochford, Essex. WW1 Service: 2nd Lt to Captain, King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. To Sumatra 1919 as a planter. By 1941 Planter Manager of 3 Nunn Rd, Penang aged 53 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died 1958 Southend-on-Sea.
COTTLE, R. W. [Reginald William], Petty Officer Royal Navy. On board the Mata Hari. He was initially interrned in February 1942 at Muntok and then later Palembang from where he was liberated on 2nd September 1945. He is said to have spent some time at the Charitas Hospital.
COTTON F. M. [Francis Michael] b.1900 Adelaide. Apprenticed as a blacksmith. Enlisted in AIF 4.11.1918. By 1941 Mining Inspector, Gammon & Co. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife M.H. & son M. evacuated on Gorgon 14.11.41. He repatriated 1945 arriving Sydney on Tamaroa 10.10.45.
CRAIG Ms Nessie from NZ. Sister of Dr Florence Craig and Tessie Thompson. Education Dept. Sumatra internee.
CRANNA A. P. [Alexander Park] ‘Sandy’ MA from Strichen, Aberdeenshire. Planter Manager & Visiting agent aged 55 in 1942 Planting Adviser, Guthries & Co. Ltd KL. Sgt 54 Selangor LDC. Wife Margaret [Peggy nee McHardy] evacuated to Aberdeen. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 4.1.45 [58] Grave now at Jakarta. Margaret died 25.9.69 Aberdeen. Daughters Elizabeth [Betty] & Sheila.
CRICHTON G.J. Straits Steamship Company official aged 48 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Chairman SSC / Mansfields post war.
CROCKER E. [Edgar] Cook aged 33 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. MRB 1943 records “Crocker Mr. MVAF “; Note CO 989 shows Edgar W Crocker MVAF “IC/SUM” B 1909 “Still believed in Sumatra…”
CROPLEY A.T. Engineer aged 48 in 1942. Sub-Lt RNVR. Palembang Sumatra internee
CROSS Mrs Elsa Wife of Alexander Cross, an Immigration officer Singapore & MAS Senior Superintendent, Victoria School. He was interned in Changi. She in Palembang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee. She recorded a list entitled “British Internees in Palembang 1942”. Her diary was deposited by her daughter with the Imperial War Museum.
CRUICKSHANK G. [Gordon] Engineer, Singapore Harbour Board aged 28 in 1942. Left Singapore on the Bagan. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
CULLEN Ms Sarah Gladys Palembang Women’s camp 1942. Became the chief cook for her hut in Palembang Presbyterian Missionary aged 41 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Bebington, Wirral with Mischa Warman [see below].
CURRAN SHARPE, T. A. [Thomas Abraham] Planter Manager Rasa Musa Estate, Kuala Selangor and an Engineer. Pte 147 Kuala Selangor Platoon, Selangor LDC. Left Singapore 2.42 with wife Rhoda Elizabeth ‘Bet’. She the daughter of William and Caroline Flint, of London. Both interned at Palembang. He gave lectures to internees on rubber planting, Tamil labourers, the Victorian era; taught Malay and brought food to sick internees. Both he and his wife died as Sumatra internees – he, 4.2.45 [56] at Muntok, she, 11.5.44 [57] at Palembang. His grave today at Jakarta.
DANIEL Mrs Sarah Emilia ‘May’ Teleprinter Operator Malaya Command Signals. Wife of Frederick. Palembang Women’s Camp 1942; Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 5.8.45 [44].
DARLING – in Phyllis Briggs’s diary there is an entry “… 19th July 1944, still no rain – water ration reduced. Baby Darling died very suddenly…”
DAVIES, D. H. Surface Foreman, Pahang Consolidated, Sungei Lembing, Pahang [1935 Directory]. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 17.10.42[42] Sumatra. [Douglas Hall? But he was born 1888 and to Malaya 1919].
DAVIS Ms Winnie May from Ulmarra NSW. AANS Nursing Sister. Died at Belalau 19.7.45 [30]. Grave moved to Jakarta.
DAY Ms Lucille Palembang, Sumatra internee
DAY Mrs Mary Louise from Blackburn, Lancs. Wife of A.C.N. Day. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity at Muntok on 16.12.44 [53].
DELFORCE Ms Cecilia May b.1912 Augathella, Queensland. AANS Nursing Sister. Survived the sinking of the Vyner Brooke 15.2.42. Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee.
DE SERIERE P. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
DEXTER Ms. Joy Health Visitor, Women and Children’s Clinic, Batu Pahat. Aged 28 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
DICKSON Ms. Ruth Hannah, Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service Nurse, aged 50 in 1942. Daughter of Joseph Alexander and Lydia Ann Dickson, of Eglish, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Died at Muntok 24.12.44. Grave moved to Jakarta War Cemetery (DWC-1 Plot 5 Row H Row 7).
DIXEY Mrs Helen from London SW1. Wife of Arthur Carlyne Niven Dixey. Son Godfrey? Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 28.2.45 [48] Muntok.
DLISH M.M. ?? Nurse. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
DOBSON Richard Child Sumatra internee – attended IWM gathering 2.2002
DOMINGUEZ Mrs Agnes Gertrude ‘Gerte nee Dunphy b.1881 The Buckland nr Bright, Victoria. Wife of J.G. [married 1907]. Left Singapore on the Vyner Brooke [sunk]. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 9.11.44 Muntok.
DOMINGUEZ J.G. [John Gallagher] b.1879 Wandilong nr Bright, Victoria. Left Singapore on the Vyner Brooke [sunk]. Mining Engineer, Anglo-Oriental Mining Ltd. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 11.9.44 Muntok.
DONLEVY J. [John] from Charters Towers, Queensland, Australia. Mining Engineer: Assayer, Raub Australia Gold Mining, ‘Lilburne’, Raub [1935 Directory]. Palembang, Sumatra internee.Widower [wife Lucy Isabel]. He died in captivity 23.3.45 [56] Palembang Internment Camp [CWGC]. Mrs Cross list records as ‘23.11.43 Muntok’.
DONNELLY E.E.G. [Edward Elliot Gervase] ‘Porky’ b.1905. Educated Hobart High School. Jockey in Malaya and Australia 1930-1949. Aged 37 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. The smallest man in camp. Post-war jockey and horse trainer living at Polo Ground Rd KL. Died 21.5.1974 [69].
DOUGLAS C.W. PWD Engineer aged 23 in 1942. Evacuated on the Marella. 2.42. Sumatra internee.
DOUGLAS, W.P. [Walter Pattison] AMICE from Angus, Scotland. SuperIntendent Engineer, Dockyard Dept, Singapore Harbour Board, Tanjong Pagar, Singapore [1935 Directory]. Lived at Plantation House, Singapore. Wife Ida. Captured on Mata Hari. Palembang,. He died in captivity 23.11.44 [55] Muntok.
DOWN R. St.Vincent [Robert] Planter Manager, Damoeli Estate [SOCFIN] aged 45 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Aberdeen.
DOYLE Jessie G. AANS Nursing Sister aged 31 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee.
DRAGGETT, T.E. [Thornton Ernest] b.1910. Joined SSC early 1930s. Assistant SuperIntendent, Engineer, Straits Steamship Company. In a SSC escape party 13.2.42 on Relau [Engineer]. Intercepted 16.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife E.C. evacuated on Gorgon, arriving Fremantle WA 20.2.42. He returned to SSC post war then To Melbourne. Remarried Sandra postwar. In late 1950s left SSC for Lloyds Surveyors on east coast of UK. Died 7.94 Surrey.
DRYSDALE, J. [John] CBE JMN PJK JP b.1897 Glasgow. Educated Royal Technical College, Glasgow & Glasgow University. Company Manager/Director, J.A. Russell & Co.Ltd KL and Director, Malayan Colleries Ltd. Aged 45 in 1942. Captured aboard Mata Hari. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Camp Hospital Chemist. He made toothbrushes out of coconut & rope fibre. According to Reis’s diary he was an absolute saint of a man in looking after sick and dying internees. McDougall called him ‘Direct Action Drysdale’ for his confrontational approach with the Japanese. Wife Janet evacuated with daughters Catherine and Margaret on Orion, arriving Fremantle WA 6.1.42. Returned to Malaya with John Russell & Co. living at 10 Hampshire Drive KL. Retired to Gleneagles, Perthshire. A member of BAM till 1973. John died 18.7.1979 Perthshire.
DUMAS E.A.G. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 1.12.44 Muntok. His grave is shown as I27 on The Graves page.
DUNN A.G. [Angus Gifford] Planter Manager, Rantau & Doekoe Dasi, Sumatra. Aged 39 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Aberdeen.
DUNN / LEICESTER – DUNN: Mrs. Kathleen Olivia and her children Percy and Maureen:
DYNE, H. R. L. [Henry Richard Lubbock]
EARLE. R. E [Robert Erasmus] b.1895 Norwich. To Singapore 1920. Electrical Engineer, Singapore Harbour Board. Married Elsie Grace Pickthorn 2.22 Penang. He was evacuated on Bulan but captured & interned in Palembang men’s Camp. Sumatra Internee. Amateur radio enthusiast. Returned to SHB post war.
EFFORD T. [Thomas] Accountant, Harrison & Crosfield, Sandakan [1935 Directory] then Singapore Palembang, Sumatra internee with Chinese wife Katherine [Wee Kwai Tee] and infant son John [Johnny] aged 1 in 1942. Katherine & Johnny in Palembang Women’s Camp. Thomas died in captivity 24.11.44 [aged 59] at Muntok.
EIKEMA R.A.J. Radio Expert. Palembang, Sumatra internee
ENRIGHT M.F.[Michael Francis] b.1882 New Zealand. Chief Motor Mechanic RNVR WW1. To Bankstown NSW Australia. Mining Engineer, Anglo- Oriental. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity Muntok 24.1.45 Banka Island. His grave is shown as D5 on the Graves Page.
EVANS D.R. [David Richard] b.1884 Lambton NSW Mining Engineer. Sumatra internee. Wife Lilly evacuated early on Charon 4.41. He died in captivity 30.7.44 [60] Muntok of dysentery & beri beri. Father of John below.
EVANS J.S. [John Samuel] from Nedlands WA. Dredgemaster, Austral-Malay Tin Ltd, Puchong, FMS. Wife Edith evacuated on Orion with children J. & J. arriving Fremantle WA 6.1.42. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 17.7.44 [37] Muntok of dysentery & beriberi. Son of David [above].
FENTON H. L. [Hereward Livingstone] b.1904 Quetta. Planter, Frazer Estate, Kepong Rubber Estates Ltd, Johore. Sapper 863 JVE to 13th Pioneers. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife Kathleen evacuated on Narkunda, arriving Fremantle WA 24.1.42. To Sydney. Children John & Jennifer. Returned to Malaya 1946: Katoyang Estate, Tanjong Malim, Selangor. 1947: Manager, Kepong Estate, Selangor. 1952-5 : Labis Bahru Estate, Segamat, Johore. Retired to Dunstable. Killed in a car accident 22.7.58 [54].
FINLAYSON G.A. [George] Assistant Planter, Rajaghiri [Chembong] Estate, Bukit Rotan, Selangor and Kampong Kuantan Rubber Co.Ltd, Selangor. Aged 36 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee. He was repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45.
FINLAYSON Mrs Edith nee Dyson. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45.
FINN Mrs D. L. Palembang Women’s camp., “…died 15.5.45…”. Sumatra Internee.[this may be FEIN? wife of FEIN H.M.J. Consul General, Netherlands, KPM Chambers, Singapore. He was lost at sea 2.42. Daughter Concha]
FIRTH S. E. J. (Mrs.) , Palembang Women’s camp 1942. Sumatra internee. [this may be D.E.J. Dorothy Ethel Jane, wife of George William Firth of Ipoh, a POW.]
FLETCHER F. [Frederick] Planter. Wife Alice evacuated to Essex. Palembang, Sumatra internee, Died in captivity 9.6.44 [70] Muntok of myocarditis & beriberi.
FOULDS H.F. [Harry Fort] from Colne. Lincs. Manager, Federal Dispensary Ltd, 30A Raffles Place, Singapore. Palembang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 7.6.45 [37].
FOX D.A. [Douglas Alfred] b.1891 the Wirral, Cheshire. Planter: Head Assistant, Pangkattan Estate, Para Rubber Plantations Ltd, Billa, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Aged 51 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To the Wirral. Died 1970 Cheshire.
FRAMPTON Mrs Doris Joyce Wife of V.W., Manager of Gammons, Singapore & Changi internee. She was in Palembang Wonen’s Camp 1942. Missionary. Sumatra internee aged 52 in 1942. Living on the Algarve, Portugal early 1970s.
FRASER F. [Frank] Planter, Laut Tador Estate, Tebing Tinggi. Deli, Sumatra. Aged 35 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Hull.
FRASER Mrs Gwendoline Wife of Lyle, aged 34 in 1942, with daughter Patty aged 6. Palembang Sumatra internees.
FRASER, L.[Lyle]b.1896 Lochmaddy, Inverness. To Sumatra 1924. Planter, Tandjong Rubber Co.Ltd, Tandjong Kassau, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Aged 46 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife Gwendoline, aged 37. & daughter Patricia, aged 8, evacuated. To Ceylon 1946- 1947.
FREEMAN Ms Rubina Dorothy AANS Nursing Sister.
FREEVORROW, M. Smith aged 32 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee
FRIEDLANDER W. [Walter] b.1890 London. To Malaya 1927. Planter Manager, Padang Langkat Rubber Estates Ltd, Padang Toelang, Bukit Tinggi & Bukit Sentang Estates, Tanjoeng Poora, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Aged 50 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee.
FRITH Mrs Iris Wife of John Roycroft [FMSVF POW/Planter, Francis Estate] & Missionary aged 38 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
FROGGATT L. [Leslie] SuperIntendent Engineer Straits Steamship Company 1934-48. Escaped Singapore 13.2.42 as Engineer on Rantau but intercepted 16.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife May evacuated to Melbourne, Australia 12.41. Worked post war as an engineer in Australia. Died 2.7.75. Son Eric.
FURNEAUX V.R. [Victor Reginald ]b.1897 Southwark. Engineer, Cable&Wireless. Worked in Ceylon, India then from 1937 Singapore. On HMS Tapah. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated via India. On the Llandovery Castle from Bombay to Southampton, arriving 25.11.45. To Catford. Died 3.1971 Denbighshire.
GARDAM Dora Shirley b.1910 Ulverstone, Tasmania. AANS Nursing Sister. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 4.4.45.[34].
GARDINER W.R. [Wilfred Rogers] Cable & Wireless, Penang. Evacuated from Singapore on the MV Redang 12.2.42. Sunk 15.2.42. Rescued by HMS Tapah. Captured at Muntok 17.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Lt 4SSVF Died in captivity 13.5.45[44]. Grave at Jakarta. Wife Vida, aged 40, evacuated on the Empress of Japan. She arrived Liverpool 19.3.42. To Petts Wood, Kent.
GARDNER Mrs Gertrude Felicia Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 5.6.45 [49] –CWGC at Belalau.
GARLAND G.L. [George Leslie] Manager, Francis Peek & Co. Ltd, Sourabaya Branch [1935 Directory]. Aged 59 in 1942 Sumatra internee.
GASPER Mrs D. Proprietress, Beach House, Tanjong Katong, Singapore. Palembang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee. The “Jeyes’ list records “…GASPAR M C PTR BEACH HOUSE (BOARDING) P’BANG W WIFE…”;
GASPER M.C. Husband of the above. Proprietor, Beach House, Tanjong Katong, Singapore. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity at Belalau 24.7.1945 [61].
GEDDIE A.J. [Alexander John] Engineer aged 41 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee
GEDDIE A.T. [Andrew Thomson] Planter Manager, Toerangie Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Kwala, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Aged 50 in 1942. Sumatra internee.
GEDDIE Mrs J. [Barnes] Housewife aged 45 in 1942 and children Margaret aged 9 & John aged 5. Palembang Sumatra internees. The MRB 1943 records “…Geddes Mrs. & two children, Tehma Tinggei Estate…”
GEIKIE Ms Sonia aged 24 in 1942. Palembang Women’s Camp Sumatra internee
GERMANN E. H. [Eric Harrison] from Buffalo NY. American brewer …
GIBSON A.F. Radio Operator, SS Chelk o[?]. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski 10.45.
GIBSON Mrs Dorothy ‘Dot’ Survived the sinking of the Vyner Brooke. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Cross list notes “…left the camp on 4.12.42 for S’pore…” ? Repatriated 1945 arriving Sydney on Tamaroa 10.10.45.
GILBROOK J.A. [Joseph Alexander] United Press journalist, Tientsin. Aged 52 in 1942. Evacuated on Mata Hari. Captured. Palembang Sumatra internee. He had been a lay interdenominational missionary in China and took C. of E. services when clergy were ill. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To London.
GILCHRIST J.C. [James Chrichton] Manager, Sewage Disposal Works, Kim Chuan Rd,Singapore Municipality. Wife Janet evacuated to Bargeddie, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He left on Mata Hari [ship captured]. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 16.4.45 [51] Loeboek Linggau.
GILL F.W. Mining Engineer, Gammons. Aged 30 in 1942. Sumatra internee
GILMOUR E.S. To Burma 1925 then to Malaya. Company Manager aged 48 in 1942. Sumatra internee
GINN J. Clerk aged 26 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee
GLASGOW Ms Mary b. N.Ireland. Educated Queens University, Belfast. Teacher in the UK and Australia. Teacher, Bukit Bintang Girls School KL 1930-1941 then its Principal 1946-1957. Aged 40 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Belfast. Retired 1960 to Ireland.
GLASSPOOLE E.S. [Eric Shakespeare] b.1898 Islington To the Far East 1919. Planter Manager, Tamboenan Estate, Sumatra. Aged 43 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died 1952 London.
GODLEY Mrs Zara Valda Mari Wife of Lt Colonel A.S. ‘Sandy’ Godley, Royal Scots, Army Liaison Officer to RAF POW Singapore. Valda evacuated on the Mata Hari [captured] Sumatra internee. CWGC gives age as 40 and date of death 7.6.44. Died in captivity 7.6.44 [40] Palembang.
GOLDBERG Mrs Dr Anna Maria Eleanora
GOODER Mrs Sarah Gessie Louise Wife of Edward. Aged 25 in 1942. Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee. Children post war Rose Maureen & Deanne Margaret. Returned to Singapore 1947
GRAHAM W. [William] BSc Engineer, Dredge & Mechanical Dept, United Engineers Ltd. Aged 31 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Kilmacolm, Scotland.
GRAY D. St G.W [Douglas] Planter Manager, Oil Palms of Malaya Ltd, Layang Layang, Johore. Aged 51 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Aboyne. 1952: Linggi Estate, Rantau, Negri Sembilan. The MRB 1943 records “ Gray D. G. Planter Harrison & Crossfield…”.
GRAY G.B.W. [George Basil Warburton]
GRAY, Mrs Majorie W. Wife of D. Gray. Aged 52 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 13.1.45 Muntok [CWGC] ; Cross list notes “…died on 30.5.42…”
GRAY Mrs Ruth .I. Wife of G.B.W.
GREER Jean Kiers ‘Jenny’ b. Petersham, Sydney. AANS Nursing Sister aged 31 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died 7.12.2001.
GREGORY, Muriel. The wife of Charles Pressley Gregory and the daughter of William and Edith McKie of Castle Bank, Bangor, North Wales. She received a B.Litt from Oxford University and an M.A. from the University of Bangor, Wales. She died in captivity at Muntok on 15.11.44, aged 43. The “Jeyes” list records GREGORY S’PORE WIFE P’BANG…”
GRIXONI, C.R. [Cyril Reynold] AMICE b. Italy. Shipping Company Manager / Singapore Harbour Board Captured on Mata Hari. Palembang Sumatra internee and Camp leader. A talented artist. Wife Helen Mary Elwena & 2 children evacuated to Capetown SA. He died in captivity 28.10.44 [43] Muntok of malaria and beriberi. His grave is shown as F20 on the Graves Page.
GROSS Elsa aged 29 in 1942 Sumatra internee.
GURR, Mrs Grace Naomi MAS. Wife of R.F.B. [Durban, S.Africa] Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 27.7.44 [35] Palembang.”…husband in Malaya…”; Phyllis Briggs’s diary notes “…27th July 1944, Grace Guer (sic) died. She had only been ill for a few days – a great shock to us all. She was young and pretty and had kept fairly fit all the time….”
GURR, J. [James] son of R.F.B.? Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 20.1.45 Sumatra.
GUSH, E.G.W. [Edward Gibbon Wakefield] b.1914 Southampton. Planter, Johore Labis Estate, Plantations de Terres Rouges, Labis, Johore. Manager Sumatra internee. 1952: Mersing Estate, Johore. Died 1974 Oxfordshire.
GWYNTHER, T. Howard Banker, Chartered Bank aged 46 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife Gwen evacuated to Melbourne.
HAGEN, Ms. D.I. J. Nursing Sister, General Hospital, Muar. Palembang Sumatra internee.
HAINES, Dr W.B. [William Burgess] Field Research Officer, HQ Dunlop Estates Ltd, Malacca. Aged 52 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife V., son C.J. and daughter M.W. evacuated early on Charon, arriving Fremantle WA 3.10.41 then to UK. He was repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Harpenden, Herts. He remarried 1946: Mary Harrison.
HAINES (Miss), Palembang Women’s camp 1942. “…died in January 1945…” . Sumatra internee.
HALDANE, L.G. [Leonard George] To Singapore 1935. Civilian Stores Officer/ Garage Supervisor, Naval Base, Singapore. Aged 38 in 1942. On Mata Hari. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Also Pladjoe, Muntok, Loebok Linggau. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Gillingham. His 1946 account at IWM here.
HALL Iris Daughter of M. & T.H. [below]. Aged 13 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the SS Orontes, arriving Southampton 11.12.45.
HALL Mrs Margaret nee Hunter. Wife of T.H. [below] aged 33 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the SS Orontes, arriving Southampton 11.12.45.
HALL T.H. [Thomas Haig] To Sumatra 1925. Planter Manager, Soeka Radja [Asahan] Estate,Harrison & Crossfield, Tanjong Balei, Sumatra. Aged 47 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the SS Orontes, arriving Southampton 11.12.45.
HALLAM, G.H. [George Henry] Police Officer. Formerly Hong Kong Police. Secret Service work in Singapore. Escaped 13.2.42 on Relau but intercepted by the Japanese 16.2.42. Muntok then Palembang. Died in captivity on 18.7.44 at Muntok. His grave is E2 on the graves page.
HAMILTON, S.A. Boy aged 4 in 1942. Sumatra internee
HAMMETT H.G. [Harold George] BA b.1906 London. Educated St Olave’s and Clare College, Cambridge. Malay & Law. MCS Cadet 1928. Initially attached to the Selangor Secretariat. Various posts in Selangor and Johore then in 1934 Assistant Controller of Rubber, Kedah. Acting DO Jasin 1935 then Ulu Kelantan 1936. Secretary to Resident NS 1939. Sub-Lt SS RNVR 1934. Pilot Officer MVAF Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife Daphne & son Mike [b.1937 Kota Bahru] evacuated 1.42. Returned post-war as Acting Deputy Chief Secretary 1947-1948. Deputy PMC KL 1949; PMC Georgetown, Penang 1950-1951. Acting British Advisor, Selangor 1952- 1954. Resident Commissioner, Malacca 1954-1957. British Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar 1964. Divorced postwar and remarried: Natalie Moira Sherratt. Daughter Veronica born 1949 KL. He died 1999 Devon.
AANS Nursing Sister. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Married planter Joseph William Allgrove after the war. His first wife was lost at sea on the Giang Bee 13.2.42. Eileen was known as Nell Allgrove. Returned to Malaya post war. Retired to Dedham, Essex.
HARDING Mrs Geraldine Inez Australian wife of Major Frank Leonard Harding. Aged 32 in 1942 Evacuated on Mata Hari – Palembang, Sumatra internee. Sons Gerald & Tony evacuated 12.41 to Australia. She died 12.8.1964. The Argus newspaper of Melbourne wrote an article about the Hardings on 6 December 1945 and be read HERE.
HARPER Ms Iole b.1911 East Guildford WA. AANS Nursing Sister. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking, Palembang, Sumatra internee. HARRISON A. [Arthur] Planter Manager, Langkat Sumatra Rubber Co. Ltd, Kwala,Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Aged 45 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. Retired to Headingley, Leeds. Died 10.10.56 Leeds
HARRISON C. G. [Cecil Gordon] b.1904. Educated St Patrick’s Cathedral School, Dublin & London University. Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer, Writers Dept FMS Railways 1938. On Mata Hari [captured]. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Gave talk in internment on campanology. Lay SuperIntendent of Camp Hospital. Member of Malayan Govt Joint Wages Commission 1947. Various senior Malayan Railways appointments.
HARTLEY Mrs Millicent ’Milly’ Myrtle aged 51 in 1942. Muntok & Palembang Sumatra internee
HASSELHUHN J.E.T. [John Eric] b.1891 Fulham. Planter Manager, New Serendah Estate, Rawang. Aged 53 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. A member of BAM till 1973. Died 1977 Norfolk.
HASTINGS Mrs Olga Lillian Wife of P.E.V. aged 46 in 1942. A survivor of the Giang Bee sinking. Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 1.7.45 [50] at Belalau.
HASTINGS P.E.V. Miner. A survivor of the Giang Bee sinking. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 4.4.45 [57]. The “Jeyes “ list records “…HASTINGS MINING ENGINEER P’BANG…
HAYNES Ms Rena Rosie aged 47 in 1942. A survivor of the Giang Bee sinking. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 10.1.45 [49].
HEMPSTED Ms Pauline Blanche AANS Nursing Sister. Died at Muntok captivity 19.3.45 [36] Grave moved to Jakarta War Cemetery DWC-1 Plot 5 Row 6 Grave 5.
HENDERSON, W. G. [William Gilchrist] Planter Manager, Bah Kapoel Estate, Sumatra Tea Estates Ltd, Pemetang Siantar, Medan, Sumatra. Aged 40 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45
HENNESSY Mrs N.M. aged 24 in 1942. Palembang Women’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Wife of RAMC Colonel.
HILLING – the “Jeyes” list records …HILLING H JAN SHELL JAVA INT P’BANG…” – Dutch? The MRB 1943 list also records “… Hilling H. J. A. M. BPM…”
HILTON Mrs Maude Florence Wife of F.W. MAS [“…husband in Changi…”, Palembang Women’s camp 1942]; Phyllis Briggs’s diary records that: “…a few women had sewing needles with them and these were most precious… Maudi Hilton was clever at embroidery … made me a beautiful piece of embroidery which depicted the various camps we were sent to (up to October 1944). She died a few weeks before the end of captivity…” Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 28.4.45 [53] Belalau, Lubbuk Linggau, Sumatra
HOBBS, Ms. M. Palembang women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee.
HOLDERNESS, G. [Geoffrey] from Horsham, Sussex. Planter Manager, Batu Anam Estate, North Johore. Interned at Palembang and Muntok Sumatra. Died in captivity on 28.5.44 [45] at Muntok. HIs grave is marked D13 on the graves page. His wife was Hilda:
HOLDERNESS, Mrs Hilda, nee Elias, aged 30 in 1942. Wife of Geoffrey above. She too was held at Palembang and Muntok but managed to survive and was eventually repatriated. Her sister Zaida (Elias) Short was also interned along with Hilda (see below). We have recently received a biographical sketch of Hilda kindly provided by her great nephew and this can be read HERE (<—- PDF)
HOLMS W. [William] Planter Manager, Tamiang Rubber Estates Ltd, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Aged 37 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee. Returned to Malaya 1947. Wife Claire Selina; daughter Margot.
HOY G.O.G. [George Oswald Gerald] b.1903. Accountant, Cable & Wireless. Left Singapore on the MV Redang [sunk]. Rescued by HMS Tapah. Captured at Muntok 17.2.42. Palembang Sumatra internee. His mother evacuated from Singapore to India on the Felix Roussel. He returned to Singapore 1946-1960. Died 12.8.1963 [59] Carlisle WA.
HUGHES Ms. Gladys Laura from Auckland NZ. AANS Nursing Sister. Died in captivity at Belalau on 31.5.1945 [36].
HUMPHRISS D. [Dennis] b.1915 Warwickshire. To Singapore 1937. GEC Engineer, 12 Battery Rd, Singapore. Aged 27 in 1942. Left Singapore with A.H. Wright. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. GEC Singapore post war into 1950s. Lived at 5A Holland Hill. Died 12.1994 Birmingham.
HUSBAND G.W. [Geoffrey William] b.1900 Whitchurch, Hants. To Malaya 1931. Planter Manager, Rengam Estate, Johore. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife Muriel Olive evacuated with sons Peter, Robin, & Terence on the Empress of Japan, arriving Liverpool 19.3.42. Geoffrey was repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. Returned 1946 to Rengam Estate. 1952: resident in Taunton, Somerset. 1969: resident in Poole, Dorset. He died 9.1976 Hants. Muriel died 12.2002.
HUSEN Mrs A.L. nee Schoutan aged 31 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee
HUTCHINGS Mrs Kathleen Mary of 12 Balmoral Rd, Singapore. Wife of Major P.T. Hutchings SSVF who died in captivity. She survived the Vyner Brooke sinking 15.2.42. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 12.4.45 [46] Palembang. Cross list says DOD 19.4.45.
HYER – see WHYBRO/WYBRO. ISAAC Mrs M. Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee.
ISAAC Mr Palembang, Sumatra internee.
INGLIS G.S. [George Sutherland]
ISITT Mrs Martha Elvia Palembang Women’s Camp, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 27.4.45 [40]. IYER A. (Sister), Palembang Women’s camp 1942. Sumatra internee.
JACKSON, A. [Arthur] Chemist, Dept of Chemistry, Verment Rd, Penang. Aged 37 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Empress of Scotland [which was the Empress of Japan] to Liverpool, arriving 8.11.45.
JACKSON, J. W. [John William] Accountant, Secretariat, Singapore Harbour Board. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 2.9.45 [45] at Belalau.
JACKSON, M. [Mark] Engineer, Electrical Dept FMS KL. Aged 47 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45.
JAMES Mrs Mildred F. Housewife aged 39 in 1942. Palembang Women’s camp 1942, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45.
JAMES Ms Nesta Gwyneth b.1904 UK. AANS Nursing Sister. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking, Palembang, Sumatra internee. Mentioned in Despatches 1947.
JAMIESON H.A. [Hamish Alexander] Planter aged 46 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Aberdeen.
JANES, Nesta Australian Army Nurse on the Vyner Brooke. Her name does not appear on Moffat’s list and is added here. An article about Nesta’s experience appeared in the Sydney Morning herald and can be read HERE.
JANSEN W.G.C. RC Brother. Palembang, Sumatra internee
JEFFERY L.B.G. Engineer previously in Hankow/Tientsin , China. Aged 51 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity at Muntok 2.5.44 [53] of beriberi. His grave is shown as D9 on the Graves page.
JELTES Ms Pauline Dutch national resident in Singapore. Stenographer aged 20 in 1942. A survivor of the Giang Bee sinking. Interned at Muntok/Palembang but returned to Singapore early on – Changi Gaol then Sime Rd internee.
JENKIN C.M. [Charles Martin] of Holland Rd, Singapore Assistant, P&O Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, Collyer Quay. Shipping Agent Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 17.11.44 [51] Muntok. Hs grave is shown as F13 on the Graves page.
JENKIN, Mrs Mary Lyndon BSc of Holland Rd. Wife of Charles Martin. She had joined the Medical Auxiliary Service [MAS] in Singapore and left on a small coaster on 13 February 1942 with her husband Charles. Initially interned at Muntok. Palembang Women’s camp 1942 .Whilst at Palembang , in September 1943 when the women were moved into the camp previously occupied by the men , Mary found a solid wooden stool that had been made by her husband , he had carved his name on it and”… she was delighted to have it…”; later, in 1944 at Muntok she came out of hospital when the ration lorry arrived and delivered bundles belonging to men who had died and whose wives were interned”…Mary was handed a pair of men’s boots and a small case- evidently her husband had died several weeks earlier. Mary was very brave – quiet and unable to cry, she was determined to keep going for her son Robert, who was twenty one by now and in England when she had last seen him…”; late in 1945 Mary became very ill again and was regularly in the camp hospital but “…her mouth was sore and she was unable to digest anything…on August 16th Mary was much worse. She dozed most of the day – she had very little pain – and at about 7.00pm the last thing she said was ‘I can’t do any more – I’m going to join Charlie’. I spoke to her and said I would see Robert [her son aged 21 years] when I got home – to give him her love and say how brave she had been – she gave a little smile – then soon after became unconscious and died within and hour.. By now only five remained of the fifteen from ‘Garage 9’…” Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 16.8.45 [49] at Belalau – CWGC. Cross list shows “…died on 17.9.45…”
JENKINS, O. S. [Owen Seymour] b.1891 Old Malden, Surrey. To Sumatra 1925. Tea Planter: Manager, Simbolan Estate, Siatrar then H&C. Raja Estate, Pematang. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 12.7.44 [54].
JENNINGS, Mrs Majorie From Otley, Yorkshire. Wife of Cyril Oswald [Palembang POW after escape attempt]. MAS Nurse. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 12.5.45 [37] Lubbuk Linggau, Sumatra. Her Bible is at the IWM. (See also National Archives)
JOHNSON, H.L.[Hugh Lawrence] b.1886. From Dalmally, Argyllshire. General Manager & Secretary, Federal Dispensary KL from 1907. Married Jessie Dunsmore [nursing sister KL] 9.23. Singapore CDS 1942. Left Singapore on Mata Hari [ship captured]. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity at Palembang, Sumatra 29.3.1942 [56].
JOHNSTON S. R. St G. [Samuel Ralph St George] Ulsterman. To Malaya 1920. Merchant, Harrison, Barker &Co. Ltd. KL. Aged 52 in 1942. Wife Peggy. Children John b.1921, Michael b.1923 and Ann b. 1925. Selangor LDC. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 5.10.44 Muntok.
JONES Mrs Blanche Lucy Wife of F.L. [lost on the Giang Bee]. A survivor of the Giang Bee sinking. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 8.12.44 [56] Palembang Women’s camp 1942.
JONES, J. F. [James Frederick] Dock Manager, Singapore Harbour Board. Aged 48 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45.
JONES, T. N. Winchman [1920s] to Manager, Larut Tin Fields Ltd, Taiping. Aged 48 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Returned to Larut 1946. [a JONES F.N. is listed in Palembang mens camp.
KENNARD F.E. [Frank Edward] Sgt RA 1940 to Clerk attached to Army Pay Corps. Aged 32 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee.
KENNARD Mrs Florence Mabel Wife of Frank Edward Kennard [above]. Aged 27 in 1942. Palembang Women’s camp 1942. Sumatra internee with daughter, Elizabeth, aged 1. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Hastings.
KENNEISON, Mrs Lilian Violet Housewife aged 52 in 1942. Sumatra internee with step granddaughter Edith known as Betty, aged 15 in 1942.”…son & grandson in Changi…”, Palembang women’s camp 1942. After the war Betty married and was known as Edie Leembruggen.
KERR, J.W. [John William] Planter Manager, Harrison & Crossfield. Aged 50 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Edinburgh. the MRB 1943 list records as “Kerr J. J. Planter, Harrison & Crossfield..”
KILLICK, N. S. [Neill Seward] b.1891. To Malaya 1920. Assistant Planter then Manager, Jugra Estate, Banting, Selangor. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 1944. Wife Mary, aged 50, evacuated on the Empress of Japan. Arrived Liverpool 19.3.42. To Weybridge, Surrey. Joined 4 sons John, Michael ‘Micky’, Brian, Pat in UK. Mary, a keen tennis player in Malaya, died 30.5.72 [87] Weybridge. 1st husband Captain Sydney Herbert Killick? Son Michael joined Malayan Customs Service post war.
KINLOCH, R. F. V. [ Robert Francis Victor] from Kirkaldy. Assistant Planter, Bedford Estate, Batu Larut, Banting then Temiang Estate, Seremban NS. Aged 25 in 1942. Captured with Pte Danker at Port Swettenham. Released by a Japanese officer after mistreatment. Reached Singapore then to Sumatra. 7 weeks on the run then Sumatra internee Pte 13019 FMSVF Returned to Malaya 1946: Jeram Padang Estate, Bahau NS. Later Manager of Atherton Group, Consolidated Salak Rubber Estates Ltd, NS married Una Tan Neoh Choo at Seremban 2.60.
KIRKE, C. M. J. [Cecil Maurice John] CPM 1952 b.1907. Educated Cranleigh School and Keble College, Oxford. To Malaya 1928 as Police Probationer SS. By 1941 Assistant SuperIntendent of Police. Hokkien speaker. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Post-war SuperIntendent, Federation of Malaya Police. Wife Hazel M. evacuated to Jo’burg SA. Son Colin b. 28.8.42. The Kirkes returned to Malaya post war. Son born 1949 Penang.
KNAGGS, Alfred Clive. On board the Giang Bee but drowned when that ship sank. He had married Dorothy Van Buren. Further details on Alfred and his family can be found on the Van Buren family page HERE. However we do not yet know how or even if Dorothy’s Van Buren family connects with the Van Buren family on that page.
KOBUS Mrs Johnna. The mother of Marie Reid and grandmother of the five Reid grandchildren all of whom were captured and interned. For more details see the Reid family page here.
KONG/KIONG Ms K. , a nurse, who also joined the camp choir, Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Phyllis’ Briggs’s diary notes”…Kong Kum Kiew was a Straits- born Chinese girl. She had been a staff nurse for some years in Malaya. She was short with funny little sparrow legs and a broad smiling face unless she was in one of her moods; she would do anything in the world for people she liked – in fact she was almost too generous. …I used to enjoy hearing her talk about her family and about the gold mine and shop they owned in Kuala Lipis. She knew quite a number of Chinese legends. Kong always kept herself very clean and tidy. Her favourite garment was a man’s waistcoat which she always wore if it were at all cold or damp. On special occasions she used to put on a spotless baju, also lipstick and a string of really good jade beads. She used to spend hours experimenting with cooking…” finally “…Nurse Kong said that if she got out of camp alive she would become a Christian, this she did, and her little house near Kuala Lumpur is called St. Matthews Cottage. She often entertains poor children and gives a big party every year…”. Sumatra internee.
LA NAUZE R. F. L. [Richard] Cable & Wireless Company Manager, Penang. On HMS Tapah Sumatra internee. Wife Patricia & children Jimmy & Cherry evacuated to Sydney, Australia. He died in captivity 28.7.44 [54] Muntok of beriberi.
LANGDON-WILLIAMS Mrs Marion Galloway nee Black. Widow. Sumatra internee. Palembang Women’s camp 1942. Died in captivity 7.2.45 [46] Muntok, Sumatra. Husband Town Planner / No.1 Singapore Improvement Trust. Died suddenly 11.41.
LAWSON, H. [Harold] Director of Remington Rand Incorporated, Singapore. Aged 37 in 1942. Mother, 1076 London Road, Thomson Heath, Surrey. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Played the ukulele in captivity.
LAWS R. G. [Reginald] Planter Manager, Plintalian Estate, Rampah, Sumatra [1933 Directory ] then Seroeway Estate, Kwala Simpang, Sumatra [1940 Directory]. Aged 48 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee.
LAYBOURNE, A. N. [Algernon Neville] b. India. Wife Gladys – also interned & brother G. B. [Eardley] Cable & Wireless, Singapore. On HMS Tapah. Palembang, Sumatra internees. He died in captivity 28.7.44 [54] CWGC. Son Maxwell b. 1916 Singapore. His grave is marked as D2 on the Graves page.
LAYBOURNE, B. E. [Bruce Eardley] b. India. Cable & Wireless, Electra House, 35 Robinson Rd, Singapore. Formerly Eastern Extension Australasia & China Telegraph Co. Ltd. Formerly 1SSVF. Singapore LDC. Left Singapore on the MV Redang 12.2.42. Sunk 15.2.42. Rescued by HMS Tapah. Captured at Muntok 17.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died 13.10.44 [56] Lahat, Java
LAYBOURNE, Mrs Gladys Irene Wife of A.N, Palembang women’s camp 1942, “…husband in Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 28.10.44 [53]
LAYLAND, Mrs Kathleen Minnes Canadian from Vancouver. Wife of Charles. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 12.5.43 [49] Catholic Hospital, Palembang.
LEGGATT, W. [William] Planter Manger, Bukit Kepong Estate, Kepong [owned a large share in this Estate] & Taynton Rubber Estate, Selangor. Commodore, Port Dickson Yacht Club. Lt MRNVR HMS Laburnum POW /internee Sumatra. Wife Florence [Flora], aged 57 in 1942, was a VAD at the Railway Depot, Sentul. She was evacuated on the Empress of Japan. Arrived Liverpool 19.3.42. To Bath. Joined daughter Barbara at Oxford. He died in captivity 23.9.42 [57] Palembang Men’s Camp of dysentery. Grave today at Jakarta. Florence died 31.3.62 East Grinstead, Surrey.
LEVISON, Ms Corina Maria aged 19 in 1942. Dutch wife 12.41 of H. Medan, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. Returned to Singapore 1946.
LEWIS F.R. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 1.45 Sumatra LEWIS L.R. [Leonard Reginald] Planter, Eastern Sumatra Rubber Estates, Permatang Siantar. Aged 37 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee
LIDDELOW Doris [13 in 1942], Phyllis [17 in 1942] and Colin. Evacuated aboard the Mata Hari. Children of C. Liddelow. Palembang women’s camp 1942.
LIM, Kathleen, an English girl married to a Chinese was one of a small group of mainly Eurasian women sent back to Singapore from Palembang camp in June 1942. Phyllis Brigs had known her in Penang. She had been told by her husband’s family to leave Malaya with her two small children or the Japanese might kill the whole family. She did this but the ship she was on was captured. She promised the internees that she would find out as much as she could about the British Prisoners in Singapore – months later she managed to send a list to the Palembang camps Sumatra Internee.
LLEWELLYN, F. L.[Frederick Langharne] BSc b.1898. Educated Bethesda Country School; Manchester Technical College; University College, North Wales. To Malaya 1928 as Assistant Electrical Engineer FMS. Executive Electrical Engineer, FMS Electrical Dept KL. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 12.5.44 [48] Muntok of malnutrition & TB.
LIVINGSTON, Ann Armstrong Presbyterian Missionary. Palembang. In the same hut (a garage) at Leoboelinggau camp in 1045 as Phyllis Briggs who records her name in death as “Miss Livingstone” when many women died in June and July from fever, beri-beri, all forms of malnutrition – marasma and dysentery…”…Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 18.7.45 [58].
LIVINGSTONE, D. N. [Douglas Nicol]
LONGLAND, H. A. [Harold Albert] WW1 Service: MG Corps. Planter Manager, Sagil Estate [Dunlops] Malacca. Aged 54 in 1942. Wife Audrey & daughter Audrey ‘Biddie’ evacuated on Narkunda, arriving Fremantle WA 24.1.42. 2nd Lt FMSVF retd to 2nd Lt. Johore LDC. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 24.8.45 [57] Belalau. Name on the Singapore Memorial.
LOUGH, H.S .[Herbert Stanley] b.1897 Hackney. WW1 Service: A/Cpl, London Regiment. To Malaya 1926. Planter Manager Soengei Boerong Estate, Deli, Sumatra. Palembang Sumatra internee with wife Anna Margaret aged 30 in 1942, daughter Cathleen aged 6 & son Peter aged 1 in 1944.
LOURIS T.D.H. Planter Manager aged 47 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee
LUCKETT C.J. Clerk aged 27 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee LULOFS S. Planter, Si-Pare-Pare Rubber Maatschappij, Tebing Tinggi,Sumatra [1933 Directory]. Aged 37 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee.
LYNG H.M. [Henry] Merchant aged 39 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee.
LYNG R.A.J. In fact, an Army deserter named Lowe. Posed as the son of Henry [above]. Died of blackwater fever 16.11.44 [21].
LYNG Ronald & Norma aged 13 and 9 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internees. Lynah at Djambi?
MACALISTER Ms Janet Mc. ‘Jenny’ To Malaya 1940. Nursing Sister, Medical Dept, Seremban. Aged 34 in 1942, Engaged a planter in 1941. Captured aboard Mata Hari. A friend of Phyllis Briggs’s. Palembang Women’s camp 1942, “…left camp on 9.10.42 to work with Dr. Hollweg…”,with Turner, Neubronner and Cooper to work in a native hospital. In April 1943, for no apparent reason , they were all imprisoned in small cells in a local gaol and suffered great hardship. They were released back to Palembang after about six months. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Bunlarie, Argyllshire.
MACFIE-ABRAHAMS, Rennie Nurse aged 42 in 1942. Born in Yorkshire. Died at Belalau 4 June 1945. (see also Dutch website HERE)
MACKECHNIE, Mrs Eugenie occupation recorded as Missionary but no evidence for this. Assistant, Whiteaway Laidlaw. Aged 33 in 1942. Palembang Women’s Camp, Sumatra internee. Wife of James [known as Jim or Tiger] of Malayan Breweries. He was interned in Changi. They were repatriated on the Orontes, arriving Southampton 11.12.45. To St Elie, Fifeshire. Returned to Singapore 1946 – Jim as Sales Manager, Malayan Breweries until retiring to Fifeshire 1959. Jim died 4.9.1968 Pittenweem, Fifeshire.
MACKENZIE Helen M. Nursing Sister KL aged 26 in 1942. Palembang Women’s camp, then Muntok and then Leoboe Linggau camp where she was in the same hut as Phyllis Briggs’s, Mary Jenkins and Mamie MacIntosh; “…she had only been in Malaya a short time as a nursing sister in K.L. when the Japs came – she spoke with a broad Glasgow accent which many people found difficulty to understand. In ordinary times she was a big girl but by this time [in Leoboelinggau camp] she was very thin and bony… she had Beri Beri and found it difficult to lift her feet…” Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45.To Glasgow.
MACKINNON Ms Freda from Edinburgh. Of Icelandic descent. Matron, Batu Gajah Hospital, Perak then Assistant Matron, Penang General Hospital. Aged 43 in 1942. On Singkep. Palembang, Women’s Camp.; Phyllis Briggs’s diary records “…Miss MacKinnon had been Assistant Matron at Penang Hospital – she came from Edinburgh but her mother was purely Icelandic. She was tall and thin with long black untidy hair – she was definitely the wrong type to wear shorts and suntops but she always did so. Mac always had a cigarette drooping out of her mouth…she used to love getting up before daylight to light the fire making no end of noise waking everyone up. She was one of those people who whenever they are not well refuse to say anything about it until just on the verge of collapse and then become a difficult patient…she used to nearly kill herself with unnecessary work… she used to eat all sorts of rubbish, including snails out of the river and in the end she developed typhoid and very nearly died …poor MAC WAS VERY KIND AND SINCERELY RELIGIOUS BUT SHE CERTAINLY WAS A TRIAL TO LIVE WITH…” Sumatra internee
MACKINTOSH, Ms Sabine Elizabeth. Presbyterian missionary. Palembang Women’s camp 1942, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 27.12.44 [57] Muntok, Sumatra.\
MACKINTOSH, Mrs Maimie Wife of James [Changi internee]. She worked for the Malayan Postal Department for 26 years, retiring in 1951. ; there is a record in the MRB list of 1943 for “MacIntosh Mr. & Mrs & child, general Motors…” but it is not clear whether it is this Mrs is the same person – the record of a child is a question?? Palembang Women’s Camp 1942, later in Muntok camp and then Leoboelinggau camp where she was in the same hut as Phyllis Briggs’s and Mary Jenkins and Helen Mackenzie; Phyllis Briggs’s dairy records”…she was a little woman with a round face – always talking about the Highlands or her Grannie (although she must have been one of the oldest in our hut! …She got fever quite often but when she was well she loved entertaining – she was very friendly with Dr. MacDowell and Audrey Owen and had quite a number of friends amongst the Dutch…” Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia with husband James. arriving Liverpool 27.11.45. Died 14.5.53 Inverness.
MACLENNAN Mrs Mary M. Wife of Kenneth [Posts & Telegraph Dept/late Changi internee]. Palembang Women’s Camp Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 5.3.44 [46] Palembang CWGC. Mrs Hill has 5.5.44 and Phyllis Briggs’s diary 3.5.44.
MACLEOD Mrs Dorothy May Wife of Lt Colonel D.G. McLeod [POW Singapore, Thailand]. Nee Polglase [family in Malaya since 1870s]. Educated Raffles Ladies College and Bruges. Teacher at the Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore and well-known singer. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking 15.2.42. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wrote a recipe book in captivity. Described as “…an attractive cheerful little women with a lovely singing voice…”. Died in captivity 1.4.45 [59] Muntok, Sumatra. Son Ian wrote ‘I will sing to the end’ [2005].
MACLEOD H.C. [Henry Clark] Planter, Sungei Kari Rubber Estate Ltd, Harrison & Crossfield, Galang, Serdang, Sumatra. Aged 38 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45.
MACNAMARA C. [Cormac] b.1895. To Sumatra 1924. Planter, Medan area, Sumatra. Aged 45 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee.
MACNAMARA Mrs Stella Mary aged 34 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee
MADDAMS Mrs Joan May BA Wife of Arthur. The “Jeyes” list records “ … MADDAMS A S P JOHO DUNLOP POW WIFE P’BANG…”. Palembang women’s camp 1942, for Christmas 1943 she “…made and drew ‘SNAP’ and ‘Happy families” cards which were given as presents to every child…” also Phyllis Briggs’s diary records Joan Maddams as someone who had “sewing needles and was clever at embroidery … Joan gave me a little embroidered picture of the house I lived in as a child (The Rectory, Cricket Malherbie, Somerset). It was worked with threads drawn from worn out garments on a piece of my uniform belt. I had drawn her a sketch of the house…”; “… Joan Maddam also died – this was Muntok towards the end of 1944. Joan was young and energetic and was a great loss to us all…”. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 19.12.44 [36] Banka, Sumatra.
MADDOCK G.H. [George Henshall] Planter Manager, Poelau Rambong Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Serdang, Sumatra. Aged50 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife Evelyn Madge Violet aged 46 in 1942.
MAGNAY G.E. [George Edgar] ARIBA b.1916 Newcatle-on-Tyne. A Leverhume Scholar, Architectural Association School of Architecture 1934. Admiralty Staff [Architect] Singapore from 1939. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife Vera Ridley evacuated to UK. He was repatriated to the UK on Sobieski 10.45. Returned to Singapore 1947. Son David Edgar b.1942. George died 2.3.1962.
MALCOLM, J.S. [James Sinclair] ‘Jimmy’ Traffic Dept, Singapore Traction Company. Married Muriel Habekost of Oriental Telephone Exchange 4.36. Wounded 13.2.42 aboard Kuala? Then on Singkep Island. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 29.4.45 [53] Sumatra. the “Jeyes’ list records …MALCOLM J B.T.C.LEFT LATE W. H PROUD WIFE NEI?…” What happened to his wife?
MANDEN, E. H. M. NKPM [Standard Oil]. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 23.7.44 Muntok.
MARLOW W.J. [William James] Waiter, Empress of Asia. Wife Catherine in Liverpool. He a Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 11.8.44[42]. Grave today at Jakarta.
MARNING, A.P. [Ambrose Patrick] b.1896 Wellington NSW. Dredgemaster, Sungei Bidor Tin Dredging Ltd. Aged 46 in 1942. Lt MRNVR Giang Bee survivor. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died 1965 Wellington NSW.
MARSHALL A.F. Shipping Agent aged 34 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee
MARTIN J.E. [James Edward] ‘Jimmy’ b.1908 Sydney. Jockey. A survivor of the Giang Bee sinking. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Returned to Penang. Post-war as a jockey and horse trainer.
MASON H.E.M. [Harry Ernest Monck] b.1879 Georgetown, Guyana. Educated Rossall School, Fleetwood. To Malaya 1910. Planter Manager, Perak River Valley Estate. Cpl 54 Perak LDC. Wife Elsie Ada evacuated on the Empress of Japan to Notting Hill, London via Liverpool. Harry was a survivor of the Giang Bee sinking. He died in captivity 15.11.44 [66] Palembang. His body was re-interred at the Jakarta War Cemetery. Even though he was a civilian planter, presumably his having been a member of the Perak Local Defence Corps meant that his body could be moved after the war. Elsie living at Basingstoke, Hants 1947.
MASTERS R.F. [Richard] b.1903. To the Far East 1926. Planter, Padang Langkat Rubber Estates Ltd, Tandjong Poera, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Chichester.
MATHESON D.R.L.P. [David Roderick Lister Picton] ‘Jock’ b.1899. WW1 Service 1916-1919 with Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders and MG Corps in France then North Russia. To Malaya 1920 as Inspector of Police FMS Taiping. By 1940 FMS Police Superintendent. Wife Jean evacuated to Bearsden, Dumbartonshire. Sumatra internee. He died in captivity 13.6.45 [46] Palembang. Grave today at Jakarta.
MATHESON E.A. [Eric Alexander] b.1903. To the Far East 1925.Planter, Goenoeng Malajoe Estate, United Serdang Rubber Plantations, Sumatra [1935 Directory], Harrison & Crossfield 1941. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Aberdeen.
MATHESON I.R. [Ian Ritchie] To Malaya 1919 aged 20. Planter, Simbolon Estate, Pematang Siantar, Harrison & Crossfield, Sumatra. Aged 40 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45.To Aberdeen.
MAUND, Geoffrey. Not found on Moffat’s list but mentioned in Gordon Reis’s diary as prisoner at Palembang who died of Dysentery/Typhoid.
McALLISTER D. [Donald] From Isle of Arran. Singapore Chief Pilot. Lt MRNVR Escaped Singapore with Mansfields Relau/Rantau group 13.2.42 but intercepted 16.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 11.5.42 [59] Palembang of dysentery. Grave at Jakarta.
McCALLUM Ms M.A.. To Malaya 1939. Nursing Sister, Singapore aged 30 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
McCANN R.L. [Richard Leslie] Miner, Raub Australian Gold Mining, Pahang. Aged 34 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died 21.6. 1960 Fremantle WA. McCann’s papers at the Australian National Archives dealing with a compensation claim that stemmed from a medical condition brought about by his internment can be read HERE.
McDOUGALL W.H. [William Henry jnr] b.1909 Salt Lake City. American journalist in Japan & Shanghai. Survived the sinking of the Poelau Bras off Java 7.3.42. Arrived Palembang 5.4.42 [Easter Sunday]. Sumatra internee. Lectured on the Mormons in captivity. Became an RC priest post war [ordained 1952]: Rector of the Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City. Retired 1981. Died 8.12.1988 Salt Lake City. Author: ‘Six Bells off Java’ & ‘By Eastern Windows.’ Diary & letters published in ‘If I get out alive’.
McDOWELL Dr [Miss] Jean M. Lady Medical Officer, Selangor. Aged 37 in 1942. Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Reported in Palestine 1943 but certainly a Palembang Sumatra internee. Elected Commandant, Women’s Camp in December 1943. Repatriated from Singapore on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45. To Port William, Wigtownshire.
McELNEA Ms Violet Irene b.1904 Ingham, Queensland. AANS Nursing Sister. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking, Palembang, Sumatra internee.
McFIE Mrs Rennie from Sheffield. Colonial Service Nursing Sister, Singapore General Hospital. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 14.6.45[50]. CWGC. Mrs Cross list shows date of death as 10.5.45 Belalau Camp. Wife of G.Melrose McFie, Engineer of Ladang Geddes Estate. He reached Fremantle WA 3.42 as 2nd Engineer aboard the Edendale.
McGUFFIN J. [John] ‘Johnny’ b.1892 Port Glasgow. Educated Greenock High School. To Malaya 1924 as Surveyor of Ships SS Singapore. By 1936 Surveyor of Ships, Penang. Wife Mary evacuated. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 8.3.45 [52] Muntok. His grave is E21 on the Grave page.
McKERN Dr. A. S. [Albert Stanley]
McKIE Monica Teacher & Nun. Palembang, Sumatra internee
MELDRUM R. [Robert] b. Fifeshire, Scotland. Inspector of Machinery, Muar. Wife M. & daughter Melitza evacuated on Orion, arriving Fremantle WA 6.1.42. To Sydney. She also brought the Webber children aged 4 & 7. Sumatra internee. Sgt 529 JVE to 101 STS. Stay Behind Wireless Operator on the Krian River. Returned to British lines. Died in captivity 13.12.44 [49] Muntok, Sumatra.
MELLOR H.L. [Harry Lamartine] of the Belfry, Cameron Highlands. Retired furrier. Wife Mary Ellen [below]. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 28.8.43 [79] Palembang. The “Jeyes” list records “…MELLOR RTD 76 NEI WIFE DIED P’BANG…”, this is interesting because it dates the information in the Jeyes list to at least late 1943 when his wife died.
MELLOR Mrs Mary Ellen Wife of H.L. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 14.9.42 [76] Palembang.
MESSENGER J.S. [Jack Stephenson] ‘Tamby’ or ‘Jackie’ from Hove, Sussex. Mansfield & Co. from1920s. Blue Funnel Canvasser. Frequented Arthur’s Bar, the Arcade, Collyer Quay. Wife Georgina evacuated. Air Warden. Escaped Singapore in SSC escape group 13.2.42 on Relau/Rantau but intercepted 16.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 2.11.44[45] Muntok. His grave is F19 on the Graves page.
MILLER M.J.V. [Murray James Vijfhuis] Planter Manager, Subur Estate, Ulu Sapetang, Perak [1933Directory] then Sungei Raya Estate, Rambutan Rubber Estates Ltd, Langkawi [1935 & 1940 Directory]. He and his wife escaped in a boat down the Perak River 12.41. Volunteer driver for the Army. Escaped on the Giang Bee – sunk 13.2.42. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski. Returned post-war to Sungei Raya Estate. Daughter Eileen. Memoirs at the IWM.
MINN Sister S. Palembang women’s camp 1942. Sumatra internee?
MITCHELL D.G. [Douglas George] Eastern Extension, Australasia & China Telegraph Co.Ltd, 29a Beach St, Penang [1933 Directory]. Aged 44 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife Dorothy Eileen, aged 39 in 1942.
MITCHELL J.F. [John Falconer] Planter, Harrison & Crossfield, Sumatra. Aged 48 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Pinner.
MITCHELL, Mrs Kathleen Joan Wife of John[above]. Aged 32 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Pinner.
MITTELHEUSER, Ms Pearl Beatrice b.1904 Bundaberg, Queensland. AANS Nursing Sister. Died Belalau 18.8.45 [41].
MONK M.H.S. Planter. Palembang Sumatra internee.
MONTAGUE A.H. Agency staff. Aged 41 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee [this may, in fact, be Herbert Francis Montague]
MONTIGNY P.L.R. [Pierre] Planter, Sitiawan Estate, Perak. Evacuated on Kuala [sunk 14,2.42. Aged 46 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Wife Mary aged 35 in 1942. Returned to Malaya 1946: Sitiawan Estate, Perak.
MORETON Ms Dorothy Emily Headmistress, Methodist Anglo- Chinese Primary School for Boys, Westlands Ave, Penang. Aged 43 in 1942. Survived the sinking of the Vyner Brooke.”…Whilst in Palembang Women’s camp in the Xmas of 1943 she made toys out of sample cloth books form the local Indian merchant. She made rag dolls and toy animals etc. She was a school teacher and got other people to help her…” Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. Died 1984 South Glamorgan.
MORGAN R. L. [Riley Llewelyn] from Devonport. Assistant Cashier, Naval Base, Seletar. Evacuated 2.42 on the Kung Wo [sunk]. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 24.3.45 [28] at Muntok. His grave s E19 on the graves page.
MORRELL MILLER E. Deputy Head Ministry of Information. Giang Bee survivor. Sumatra internee
MORRIS R.W. [Robert Wallace] from Surrey. Assistant Planter Jementah Estate, Segamat Sub-Lt RNVR. Swam for 7 hours following Kuala sinking. Survived for 3 months on Singkao Lungka islands then Sumatra internee at Djambi then Palembang. Died in captivity 8.6.44 [42] Muntok of beriberi. His grave is D14 on the Graves page.
MORTON H. [Hugh] Straits Steamship Company Sub-Lt MRNVR 2nd Engineer, Lipis. Reported lost 13.2.42 on the Giang Bee. In fact survived – was in Anna Silberman’s lifeboat – Palembang, Sumatra internee. Still with SSC early 1960s.
MOUNTAIN, L. C. [Leslie Charles] b.1905 Melton Mowbray. To Malaya 1927 then to Sumatra 1934. Assistant Planter, Dolok Estate, Lima Poeleh, Sumatra [Eastern Sumatra Rubber Estates] [1935 Directory]. Aged 34 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife Kathleen H. with daughter Julie Ann aged 5, to Sydney, arriving 20.1.42 on the Ruys, UK.
MOUNTAIN, S. A. [Stanley Arthur]
MUIR Mrs Alice M. Wife of G.W.[below]. Aged 52 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated via India then on Ranchi from Madras to Southampton, arriving 24.11.45.
MUIR Sylvia Jessie Mimi b.1915 Londreach, Queensland. AANS Nursing Sister. Palembang Sumatra internee.
MUIR W. K. S. [William Kirkland Scott] b.1899. Planter Manager, Timbangdeli Rubber Co.Ltd, Galang,Sumatra. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Pathead Ford, Midlothian.
MUNRO A. N. [Alexander] Planter Manager, Greahan Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Bangoen Poerba, Sumatra. Aged 44 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee.
MUNRO D. M. L. [David McL] Planter Manager, Namoe Rambei Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Bangoen Poerba, Sumatra.Aged 44 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. Returned to the Far East 1946.
MURRAY Ms Evelyn C. ‘Bridget’? from KL. Aged 44 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45.
MURRAY Mrs Ena Jessie Wife of Kenneth Scott Murray ‘Ken’ Building Dept. William Jacks & Co.Ltd. He was a Changi internee. Daughter Sally was evacuated. Ena was the sister of Nora Chambers. Palembang, Sumatra internee. In Muntok camp in October 1944 when volunteers were needed to clean and empty overflowing latrines, she & Nora plus Audrey Owens are recorded in Phyllis Briggs’s diary as “…these splendid people who did this filthy and nauseating task…” Repatriated from Singapore with husband Kenneth on the Cilicia, arriving Liverpool 27.11.45. Returned to Singapore 1946.
MURRAY J. A. [James] ‘Jimmy’ Planter, Kedah Rubber Co.Ltd, Bandar Bahru, South Kedah [1935 Directory]. Aged 40 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Aberdeen.
MURRAY Mrs M.M. aged 31 in 1942. Survived the sinking of the Vyner Brooke. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
MURRAY R. [Robert] Planter. Naga Hoeta Estate, Sumatra Tea Estates Ltd to Harrison & Crossfield Pematang Sintar, Sumatra. Palembang. Aged 49 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45.
NAILER Mrs Maria Christine German born wife of E. W. of Cable & Wireless. Aged 34 in 1942. They were evacuated from Singapore 12.2.42 on the MV Redang. Sunk 15.2.42. He was lost at sea. She was rescued by HMS Tapah Captured 17. 2.42 at Muntok.. Palembang, Sumatra internee. The “Jeyes” list records “… NAILER E. W EN? LEFT REDANG 11/2 P’BANG WIFE P’BANG.”
NAPIER W. R. [William Ross] Planter Manager, Tamiang Rubber Estates Ltd, Johore. Sipey Estate? Aged 48 in 1942. Wife Mabel May, aged 47 in 1942, evacuated on the Duchess of Bedford. Arrived Liverpool 4.4.42. To Banff, Scotland. He a Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. Returned to Malaya 1946: Jurun Estate nr Gurun, Kedah.
NELLIE Ellen Died in captivity 21.11.44 Sumatra.
NELSON E. [Ernest] A Planter in Langkat, Medan, Sumatra. Palembang internee. Aged 46 in 1942. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Manchester.
NESFIELD W. A. [William] Warehouseman, Harbour Board Penang Sub-Lt RNVR 2nd Engineer Giang Bee. Wife Romi [Rhoma Phyllis] evacuated on Empire Star, arriving Fremantle WA 23.2.42. Left Muntok on 28.2.42. He a Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 2.8.44 [53] Muntok of latent beriberi.
NICHOLSON F. E. [Frank Errol] Planter aged 51 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Ivinghoe near Leighton Buzzard.
OLDHAM Sally ‘Florris’ or ‘Florrie’ from Manchester Missionary Nurse Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 19.6.44 [51] Palembang. Phyllis Briggs’s diary notes”… 19th May 1944, Sally Oldham died – she was a middle aged missionary – very Lancashire although she had spent years with the Chinese in Singapore she could only speak English…”
ORAM Wilma Elizabeth Forster b.1916 Glenorchy, Victoria. AANS Nursing Sister. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking, Palembang, Sumatra internee. Married POW Alan Livingstone Young post war. Wilma died 28.5.2001.
OWEN Mrs Audrey Lenore New Zealander, aged 39 in 1942. Wife of S.F. of PWD on Kuala or Giang Bee Muntok then Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated from Singapore by air 14.10.45 to Australia then NZ.
OXLEY Ms Christian Sarah Mary b.1912 Charters Towers, Queensland. AANS Nursing Sister. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking, Palembang, Sumatra internee.
PAINE H.B. [Herbert Britton] Planter, Eastern Sumatra Rubber Estates Ltd, Permatang Siantar, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Aged 35 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Retired to Lewes, Sussex. Died 3.2.69.
PAKENHAM, H. I. [Hercules Ivo] Accountant, Dutch-American Plantations, Kisiran, Sumatra. Aged 43 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. British, born in Kobe, Japan where his father was a military attaché to the British Consulate there. He spoke eight languages fluently and he was a hunchback. He was an accountant on the HAPM plantation in Kisaran. A note about Mr. Pakenham has been found: “On 19 October 1942 a Dutch man who was interned in the prison of Pematangsiantar wrote in his diary that “an American interpreter (Pakenham – HAPM)” was brought into the camp.” Pakenham survived and was repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving at Southampton on 29.11.45. To Cheltenham. Member, Kennedy Burkhill, Penang post war. Died 4.3.54 at the London Hospital, Whitechapel while on leave.
PAMPLIN, J. [John] Planter, Kerasaan Estate, Pemertang Siantar, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Aged 37 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Chelmsford, Essex. Died 1986 Herts.
PAPINEAU, E. N. Miner, Renong Tin. Aged 22 in 1942. Left Singapore on the Vyner Brooke[sunk]. Palembang Sumatra internee. ; the “Jeyes” list records “… PAPINEAU E. R’NONG TIN GUTHRIE P’BANG…”
PARK H. H. [Hugh Herbert] Planter Manager, Rothiemay Estate, Kuala Selangor. Pte Selangor LDC. Wife Violet, aged 54 in 1942 also a Palembang, Sumatra internee. To Sisters Hospital 4.5.42. He died in captivity 26.5.42 Palembang Hospital of dysentery.
PARK, Mrs Violet Wife of H.H. [above]. Palembang women’s camp 1942. Sumatra internee.
PARR, Mrs Evelyn Mary nee Tarbot. Married Rev. Alfred Cecil Parr, Senior Master St Andrew’s School, Singapore 1940. He a Changi/Sime Rd internee, she a masseuse. Evacuated but seriously wounded in Kuala sinking. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 11.1.45 [38].
PATERSON Mrs Jean with son Robert.
PATON F. H. [male], Palembang men’s camp. Sumatra Internee. (see also the Stubbs family page)
PATON, T. H. K. [Thomas Haldane Kerr] from Middlesex. Assistant, Naval Store, HM Naval Base, Seletar. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 23.4.45 [26] Belalau.
PATTARA Mrs A.L. & 1 daughter Sumatra internees.
PATTERSON D.W. Engineer aged 53 in 1942. Sumatra internee
PENFOLD G.B. [George Brooks] Planter, Glen Bervie Estate, Tandjong Poera, Langkat, Sumatra [1933 & 1935 Directories] then Rantau Estate, Kwala Sumpang, Sumatra. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 18.2.45 [56] Ratan Prapet. Wife Adelaide Augusta Helen died 17.6.67. Daughters Joan & Caroline.
PENNEFATHER Mrs Isabelle Veronica ‘Mo’ Wife of Edward Matthew [Sembrong Estate/CSM JVE POW]. She a Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 15.3.45 [48] Muntok.
PENNY G.R. [George] WW1 Service: Penang Volunteer Corps. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
PENNY Mrs Phyllis Briggs’s diary notes early in 1945 the tiredness and apathy that had overtaken most internees at Muntok, Banka island camp’…even when our friends died , including Mrs. Penny…”. Sumatra internee.
PETERKIN, W. D. [William Dennis] b.1903 Toxteth Park, Lancs. Worked for Alfred Holt & Co.Liverpool then from 1928 Assistant, Mansfield & Co. Ltd, Ocean Building, Singapore. Sub-Lt SS RNVR 1934 – MAS Singapore. Left Singapore on Rantau in SSC escape group 13.2.42 but intercepted 16.2.42. Wife Greta Mary [nee Morgenstern] evacuated on Gorgon, 13.2.42 arriving Fremantle WA 20.2.42. She worked with Dalgetys, Perth WA till 1944 then to UK on Nestor. He a Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died at Belalau on 15.4.45 [42]. Greta remarried 1956 to Harold Smyth.
PHILLIPS, M. L.[Maurice Louis]
PLUMMER Mrs Sylvia Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Wife of A. H. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 18.11.44 [42].
POWELL Ms B. I. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated by air from Singapore to Archerfield, Australia 3.10.45.
PRATT, D. F. [Donald Frederick]
PRATT E.C.B. [Edgar Charles Bothwell] b.1888 China. To Malaya 1929 then Sumatra 1935. Planter, Pare Pare Estate, Dutch American Plantations, Kisaran, Asahan, Sumatra. Married Dorothy Stanford Trowell of Singapore 12.23 Seacombe. Aged 54 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife Dorothy, aged 43 in 1942, and daughter Joan, aged 16, evacuated to Durban SA and then … He was repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Fobbing, Essex. Died 3.1962 Battersea.
PRICE, W. G.[William Gladstone] ‘Bill’ b.1884 Arrived Malaya 1926 Joined SSC with Eastern Shipping. Assistant Manager Sungei Nyok Dockyard, Province Wellesley. Left Singapore on Rantau. Captured at Muntok. Left Muntok 21.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Returned to Malaya post war, retiring in 1953. Wife Kathleen b.1900 – see above- and daughter Margaret [Shennan]. Lived in Butterworth. Bill died 1961.
PRICE Mrs & son Sivo Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking, Palembang, Sumatra internees. There is an entry in the “Jeyes” list that shows “… PRYCE A. W. RAF WIFE & BABY P’BANG…” ??
PRIOR R.H.C. [Richard Henry Cozens]
PROUSE Ms Eva from Rockhampton, Queensland. Plymouth Bretheran missionary. Headmistress, Bukit Bintang Girls School, Queens Rd, KL 1925-1941. Sumatra internee. Palembang Women’s camp 1942. Died in captivity 2.2.45 [49] Muntok.
PUGH Mrs Mary A. Wife of Edward Cecil Mills Pugh [FMSVF POW]. Worked at Malaya Command. Evacuated aged 36 from Singapore on S.S. Redang but ship sunk. Picked up by HMS Tapah. She survived the camps and was repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Oxhey, Herts. Her husband was born in 1901 at Taiping, Perak. He worked as a Tin Dredge Operator, at Bentong, Pahang. He was the CSM, # 5374 4FMSVF Battalion and died in captivity 17.6.43 [42] Thailand. Grave at Chungkai.
PULFORD Ms Violet L. b.1896. To Malaya 1927. Nursing Sister, Medical & Health Dept, Malacca [1935]. Palembang Women’s camp 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Plymouth. Died 1961 Cuckfield, Sussex.
PYBUS V.B. [Vincent Bristow] b.1888 Hull. Mechanical Engineer, Harbour Board Staff. Wife Jessie Winifred [nee Leithead] aged 35, evacuated on the Empress of Japan. She arrived Liverpool 19.3.42. To London N13. Vincent left Singapore on the Mata Hari. He had been a Chief Engineer Officer in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service on the Naval Tanker RFA Abbeydale. He died in captivity 11.11.44, aged 57, at Muntok. Jessie remarried 1946: John Cooper of Singapore Harbour Board.
QUINN J. P. [John Paul] b.1919 Ballarat, Victoria. Educated Sydney Boys High School and Sydney & Paris Universities. Australian Dept of External Affairs: 3rd Secretary, Singapore 1941. CSM 2SSVF Escaped Singapore on the Mary Rose 15.2.42 with Bowden and Wooten. Captured at Muntok. Palembang Sumatra internee. Lectured on language & phonetics in captivity. Wife B.A. and daughter H.B. evacuated on Aorangi, arriving Fremantle WA 23.1.42. Numerous postwar diplomatic posts including Charge d’ Affaire, the Hague and London, Minister to Saigon, Acting High Commissioner, Pretoria, Australian Ambassador to the United Arab Republics. Spoke 7 languages. Wife and 2 daughters. He was killed in the Air France air crash at Rabat 12.9.61. Times obituary 14.9.61.
RAYMOND M. E. Born 13 March 1891 at Singapore. Died 13.5.45 [54] at Loeboek Linggua, Belalau .
REID, Mrs Marie, along with her 5 children: Erica, Jane, James, Dirk, & Roy.
REIS, G. S. [Gordon Stanley] B.Sc. b.1889 Edinburgh. Educated Royal High School and Edinburgh University. Studied Agriculture. To Munich University – studied Forestry. Joined Harrison & Crossfield, Sumatra. Manager, Batu Kawan [SIPEF] Rubber and Coconut Plantation, Province Wellesley 1921- 1939. Married Winifred Cran in 1921 [1st woman in Scotland to receive a degree in Agriculture]. Son John died in infancy. Daughter Sheila Allwynne [1922-2001] – evacuated with mother to Durban, South Africa, on the Empress of Japan 1.42. Co-owner with Thomas Menzies of Sungei Wei Estate, Selangor. He fell seriously ill in 1939. To NZ and Australia 1940 to recuperate and on his return to Malaya joined Cable & Wireless. Evacuated on the Giang Bee [sunk 13.2.42] then on HMS Tapah. Died in captivity 2.11.44 [55] Muntok of disease and starvation. Captivity diary at the IWM. A transcript can also be read here.
RIACH F.E. [Francis Edward] Planter, Bah Lias Estate, Deli, Sumatra [1940 Directory]. Aged 38 in1942. Formerly Assistant, Toerangi Estate, Kwala, Sumatra [1933 & 1935 Directory]. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Aberdeen. Wife Elizabeth Marion. The MRB 1943 list shows “ …Riach, Planter, Harrison & Crossfield..”
RITCHIE, F. G. [Frederick George] OBE b.1886 Dundee. Educated Morgan Academy and Technical College, Dundee. Surveyor of Ships and Inspector of Machinery SS 1913. 1914. Ritchie & Bisset Naval Architects [Consulting Engineers & Marine Surveyors] 1916-42, Union Building, Singapore. Aged 56 in 1942. Various directorships. Reputedly one of the richest men in Malaya. Wife evacuated to India then Victoria, Australia. He escaped Singapore 13.2.42 in SSC escape party on Relau/Rantau but intercepted 16.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Spent 43 years in Malaya. Died 8.8.52.
ROBBINS H.H. [Hubert Harry] b.1892 Sydney NSW. General Manager, J.A. Russell & Co., HKSBC Building, KL [1935 Directory]. ARP Control Room Officer. Wife Joyce evacuated. He a Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 20.4.42 [51] Palembang of dysentery – as did Atkin Berry.
ROBERT, L. R. Rubber Broker aged 45 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee.
ROBERTS, Mrs Elizabeth Louise ‘Freda’
ROBERTS, G. O. W. [George Oliver]
ROBERTS, T. H. [Thomas Henry] ‘Flash’ Merchant Seaman/Waiter, Empress of Asia. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 25.6.44 [37] Muntok of beriberi. Grave today at Jakarta.
ROBINSON F. N. [Frank Norman] b.1911 London. To Malaya 1939. Assistant, Malayan Tobacco. Married Constance Margaret Jarrett 1939 Singapore. A/S MRNVR HMS Sultan [shore base]. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
ROBINSON Gerald B. Son of Sydney & Violet. Aged 8 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Harrow, Middlesex. There is also a record in the MRB 1943 of a “Robinson Mrs and one child Estate Tinggi…” being in the NEI still which may relate to this family.
ROBINSON Mrs. Iris aged 27 in 1942. Sumatra internee.
ROBINSON Mrs N.E. nee Rusby. Aged 57 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee
ROBINSON S.A.[Sydney Alexander] b.1896. Planter Manager, Soengi Merah Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Serdang, Sumatra. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Harrow, Middlesex.
ROBINSON Mrs Violet Wife of Sydney & mother of Gerald [above]. Palembang, Sumatra internee. . Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Harrow, Middlesex.
RODDIS H.A.[Harold Aubrey] b.1891 Lewisham. To Burma 1919. Later to Sumatra. Planter. Laras Rubber Estates Ltd, Pemetang Siantar. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. Died 1973 Essex.
RODIJK, C. R. Manager, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, Aged 45 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee with brother M.W. aged 42, wife Mrs E. [nee Hendrichs] aged 36 and children Nette [2],], Charlie [1], M.I.C.P. – born 1942. Repatriated to the UK on the SS Orontes, arriving Southampton 11.12.45. To Holland.
RODRIGUEZ, Mrs Lillian Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 1.1.45 [46]. Mrs Cross list has her death in Feb’45.
ROSSIE Ms Alice QE Nursing Sister, Malaya since 1935. Singapore General Hospital. Aged 38 in 1942. Initially interned at Muntok where she assisted in surgery for the amputation of an RAF officers foot. Palembang, later at Leoboelinggau camp. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski 10.45. Returned to nursing in Malaya till 1950. Linked to Tan Tok Seng Hospital, Singapore. Died 11.69 Aberdeen.
SAIF L. (Mrs.), Palembang women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee. ?
SAMMY Mrs Claire Wife of Paul. A survivor of the Giang Bee sinking. Palembang Women’s camp 1942, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 18.11.44 [52]
SANDY Patricia aged 19 in 1942. Sumatra internee; there is a “Jeyes” list record of “…SANDY W S POW HKSRA POW WIFE P’BANG…”[likely Bombardier William John Sandy POW].
SANGER-DAVIES – see Davies.
SARKIES A.H. Merchant. Palembang Sumatra internee.
SARTOEN F. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 23.8.42 Palembang.
SAUNDERSON, S. A. Hull Insurance. Aged 31 in 1942. Sumatra internee
SCHARENGUIVEL, H. L. G. [Henry Lionel George] b.1892 Penang. Planter at Siantan, East Coast of Sumatra. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died 1948. Children Lawrence & Joyce.
SCHARENGUIVEL Mrs Esme Lucille. b. 1892 Taiping. nee Nicholas. Palembang Sumatra internee[s]. Esme died 10.7.1968 Perth WA.
SCHARENGUIVEL Ms Joyce Daphne b.1924. Daughter of H.L.G. & Esme. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died 1998.
SCHOOLING Ms Pricilla Elizabeth Rose
SCOTT, A. S. M. [Allan Stirling Maxwell] To Sumatra 1936. Planter, Paya Pinang Estate, Tebing Tinggi, Sumatra. Aged 37 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died 1988 Kent.
SCOTT E.M.C. Engineer aged 23 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee
SCOTT-EAMES Mrs Hyda Maude MAS Nurse, wife of Gilbert. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 13.4.45 [42] on a train near Palembang.
SEHESTED S. [Steen] Danish Consulting Engineer, Harbour Board, Penang. Joined Singapore ARP. Evacuated on Mata Hari [captured] Sumatra internee. Returned postwar to KL to found well-known company of his own name.
SELBY, R. J. [Ronald Jack] b.1901 Thrapston, Northants. To Malaya 1925. Accountant, Harrison & Crosfield Ltd, Medan, Sumatra. Aged 40 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Strathaird from Bombay to Southampton, arriving30.12.34. To North Wales. Returned to Malaya 1949. Died 1967 Tonbridge, Kent.
SHARPE-ELLIOT, J. AMICE PWD & Naval Base Engineer. Died in captivity 4.7.44 [55] Muntok. Wife Tarra.
SHAW G.R. [George Robertson] from Edinburgh. Planter, Greshan Estate, Anglo-Sumatra Rubber Co.Ltd, Banroen Poerba, East Coast of Sumatra. Aged 46 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. There is a record in the MRB 1943 list of “Shaw Mr., Japanese Interpreter…” and also a “…Shaw G. R. < Harrison & Crossfield…”
SHEDDEN, T.C. [Thomas Cumberford] b.1906. To the Far East 1935. Clerk, Harrisons & Crossfield, Medan. Aged 36 in 1942. Medan Sumatra internee. Married Ruth Robinson 3.37 Penang. Wife Muriel [?] evacuated on Narkunda, arriving Fremantle WA 24.1.42. To UK. He was repatriated via India, from Madras to Southampton on Ranchi, arriving 24.11.45. To Glasgow, Returned to Sumatra 1948.
SHORT E.M. AANS Nursing Sister aged 35 in 1942 Palembang Sumatra internee.
SHORT Mrs Zaida nee Elias, aged 28 in 1942. Wife of British Medical Corps Staff Sgt. Jack Short [POW died in Thailand]. Captured with her sister Hilda Holderness (see above) on the Mata Hari. Held at Palembang, Muntok, and Belalau. She survived and returned to Singapore post war (via the UK) first as senior secretary in the Trademarks Office then as the first woman Trademarks Registrar. She lived in Singapore until the age of 97 where she died on the 1st May 2011. We have recently received a biographical sketch of Zaida kindly provided by her great nephew and this can be read HERE (<— PDF).
SILBERMAN(N) Ms Anna Estelle b.1915. Roumanian father. Secretary. Giang Bee survivor picked up by HMS Tapah. Initially taken to Muntok and then to Palembang, she was later moved by the Japanese back to Singapore and held at Changi / Sime Road. She survived the ordeal and was repatriated to the UK but returned in 1946. She married tin miner M. V. Morris. She was secretary to Sir Arthur Young during the Malayan Emergency. Later Mrs Anna Powell. Died 2005 Shrewsbury. Her three page description of the sinking of the Giang Bee can be read HERE (<—)
SIMMONS Mrs Amy Alexandra Mary Wife of Cpl George Luck Simmons RAOC POW. Palembang. She a survivor of the Giang Bee sinking. Sumatra internee. Died at Muntok on 27.2.45 [30].
SIMMONS Mrs Agatha Frances Hay To Sumatra 1928. Wife of Arthur [below]. Aged 48 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated via India. On the Llandovery Castle from Bombay to Southampton, arriving 25.11.45. Died 6.1963 Uxbridge.
SIMMONS A. [Arthur] To the Far East 1919. Planter Manager, Sungei Kari Estate, Galang, Serdang, Sumatra. Aged 44 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated via India. On the Llandovery Castle from Bombay to Southampton, arriving 25.11.45. To Beckenham, Kent.
SIMONS Ms Jessie Elizabeth AANS Nursing Sister. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking, Palembang, Sumatra internee.
SIMPSON D. – the “Jeyes” list shows “…SIMPSON D 2ND ENG “RAUB” INT P’BANG W.WIFE…”
SIMPSON Mrs Connie aged 25 in 1942. Giang Bee survivor picked up by HMS Tapah, Palembang Women’s Camp 1942 Sumatra internee.
SINCLAIR, Douglas, Alice, Joan, and Ian.
SINGLETON Irene Ada ‘Rene’ b. 1908 Melbourne. AANS Nursing Sister. Died on 20.2.1945 at Muntok. Mrs Cross has DOD as 19.2.45. Her grave was moved to the war cemetery at Jakarta DWC-1 Plot 6 Row F Grave 6
SINNATT Louie, and children Anthony and Judith
SKINNER Mrs Esme Barbara from Sydney NSW Wife of Captain Ernest John Skinner FMSVF POW & of Joseph Travers Ltd KL. Esme in Palembang women’s camp 1942. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 22.3.45 [38] Muntok.
SKINNER R.M.[Russell Morland] Planter, Rantau Estate, Rantau-Tamaing, Acheh, Sumatra. Aged 33 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee with wife A.B. [aged 33 in 1942]. He was repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Bexhill-on-Sea.
SMALLWOOD, H. G. [Herbert] ‘Bert’ Once a lumberjack. Kitchen Porter, Empress of Asia [Canadian Pacific Steamship Co.]. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 29.3.44 [51] of pneumonia following myocarditis. Grave today at Jakarta.
SMITH Mrs Emily Elizabeth of 13 Simon Lane, Singapore. Mother of Mrs Hope. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 9.11.44 [72] Muntok
SMITH Ms J.T. AANS Nursing Sister aged 32 in 1942. Survived the sinking of the Vyner Brooke. Palembang Sumatra internee
SMITH Netta Colonial Service Nursing Sister. Arrived at Palembang camp in April 1944 from Djambi, a friend of Jennie Macalister, Palembang Women’s Camp; the Muntok and later Leoboelinggau camp. Sumatra internee
SMITH V (Sister), Palembang women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra Internee. this is from the Cross list which has a fair number of surnames spelt slightly incorrectly so she could be one of the above nurses.
SOMERVILLE, Mrs W. From Perak. A Sumatra internee.
Soo, Doris May (née Phipps) and her children: Brian Soo, Desmond Soo and Gerald Soo. They are recorded on the Palembang Women and Children Internees list at the National Archives of Australia as being: ‘fetched to Singapore by husband on 28.8.1942’. However, the date may well have been 1943 not 1942 as per the Stubbs’ family entry. Doris May Soo was born in Singapore 1918 and died there in February 2017.
SPARK, Mrs Coenradine nee Mann. Aged 28 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee with children Robert Albert [4] & Marie Antoinette [5]. Repatriated via Burma. On the Llangibby from Rangoon to Southampton, arriving 29.12.45. To Invererie.
SPRUYT, Mrs H. J. aged 38 in 1942. Sumatra internee
STANGER, Mrs Norah Albertha, Housewife aged 42 in 1942. Working at Fort Canning 2.42. Wife of Lt William Richard J. Stanger IMB [POW]. She was evacuated 12.2.42 but Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. To Hythe, Kent. Returned to Singapore 1948.
STANLEY – there is a record in the “Jeyes” list showing “STANLET Y W J PT. RAMC MOTHER P’BANG…”
STANNERS, J. H. [James Hendry] ‘Jimmy’ from Grangemouth, Stirlingshire. Designer, Harbour Board Staff. Left Singapore on Mata Hari 12.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 22.1.45 [32] Muntok. See the Muntok grave page.
STAPLEDON, C. E. C. [Charles Edric Cooper] B.Sc AMINA AMIME b.1900. From Northam, North Devon. Educated Marlborough College & Armstrong College, Durham University. To Malaya 1931 as Surveyor of Ships SS Singapore. Married Kathleen Mary [Kay] Hastings 1932 Singapore. She was evacuated on Gorgon, arriving Fremantle WA 20.2.42. Captain SRE [V]. He was evacuated 15.2.42 on the Mary Rose. Captured at Muntok. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died at the last camp – Belalau – on 16.8.45 [45].
STARKEY, C.Q. [Cecil Quentin ] CA Accountant, Mansfield & Co.Ltd from c.1930. Pte in the ScottishCompany 1SSVF early 1930s. Aged 39 in 1942. Escaped Singapore 3.2.42 in SSC Escape party on Rantau/Relau but intercepted 16.2.42. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife Edna Florence & son James Roderick evacuated on Ulysses, arriving Fremantle WA 31.12.41. Cecil was repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Cartcosh near Glasgow. C.Q. returned to Mansfields postwar as Secretary. Retired 1955 to East Sussex. Died 22.11.70 Bearsted, Kent.
STELLINI, S. [Salvatore] Shipman. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 21.1.45[50] Sumatra.
STEPHENSON, R. [Robert] MM Shipping Agent: Far Eastern Representative, Sissons Bros & Co.Ltd. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 8.4.45 [47] Muntok. Wife Violet.[an R.N. Stephenson in 1940 Directory: Malay Mail, 24 Pudu Rd KL.]. His grave is E13 on the Graves page.
STEPHENSON, Mrs Violet wife of Robert [above]. Palembang Women’s Camp, Sumatra internee. Aged 42 in 1942. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Withernsea, East Yorkshire.
STEVENS, Mrs Edith Christie and her daughter in law Susie and her son Christie.
STRACHAN, Mrs Eliza nee Edwards. Wife of Charles. Aged 46 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated via Bombay, arriving Southampton on the Canton 20.12.1945. To Aberdeen.
STRACHAN, Mrs Isabel Jane nee Edwards. Aged 39 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. The MRB 1943 list shows “…Strachan Mrs. Bruce, Gergas Estate…” and there is also an entry , which may be unrelated, for “Strachan, K. B. Planter , Harrison & Crossfield…”
STRONG, R. J. [Reginald Joseph] Planter, Allagar Estate, Taiping, Perak. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 21.2.45 [55] at Muntok, Banka. Wife Jean, son Eric. His grave is E20 on the Graves at Muntok page.
STRUGNELL, E. J. [Edmund Jardine] BSc Forestry b.1903 London. Educated Edinburgh University. ToMalaya 1924. Forest Officer i/c Forest Research Institute, Kepong 1934. Pte FMSVF [1937]. Aged 39 in 1942 Sumatra internee. Wife L.S. evacuated on Gorgon, arriving Sydney 20.2.42. To Capetown SA. He was repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Potters Bar. He returned to Malaya as State Forest Officer, Perak South then Assistant Director, Dept of Forestry then Deputy Director 1953-4. Retired to live in Bowral NSW. Died 1975.
STUBBS, Teresa b.1908 and children Vilma, Reg, Nelson, Pamela.
STURGESS, L. H. [Leslie Herbert] b.1899 London. WW1 Service: Pte, Bedfordshire Regiment then North Staffordshire Regiment. To Sumatra 1919. Planter, the Kwaloe Rubber Estates Ltd, Membang Moeda, Sumatra. The “Jeyes” list shows “… STURGESS L H T. PASIR ESTATE SUMATRA?…” and the MRB 1943 list shows “Sturgess L. H. Planter Moeda. Aged 42 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated on the Strathnaver from Colombo, arriving Southampton 29.11.45. To Burnham, Bucks. Died 1985 Wiltshire.
SUTHERLAND, J. G. A. [… Alexander] Manager & Chief Electrical Engineer,, Electrical Dept. United Engineers Ltd, 17 & 19 Battery Rd, Singapore [1940 Directory]. Aged 48 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee .
SWAN, Evelyn J. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 1.1.44 [73].
SYER, Ms. Ada Corbitt ‘Mickey’ b. 1910 Melbourne. AANS Nursing Sister. Palembang Sumatra internee. Died 1991.
SYM H. B. [Hugh Broun] b.1908. Educated Merchiston Castle Prep School & Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh. To Malaya 1928 as Police Probationer SS. By 1937Assistant Superintendent of Police SS Singapore. Wife Margaret Constance Milne and children John, Alan & Alison evacuated on Ulysses, arriving Fremantle WA 31.12.41. Captured on the Mary Rose 17.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 1.1.45 [37] Sumatra. Grave today at Jakarta.
TAY SOO WOON, Mrs Nellie Ellen from London. Lived at 61 Rochshore Rd, Singapore. Wife of Dr Tay (below). Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 21.11.44 [40].
TAY SOO WOON, MD, second son of the well known Presbyterian Minister in Singapore Rev. Tay Sek Tin ( 1872 -1944) who was an activist against Opium and the founder of the Katong Girls School. Tay Soo Woon was a graduate of the King Edward VII Medical School in Singapore ( 1918- 1921) and LRCP & S in 1925 from Edinburgh. In Singapore he ran a number of Dispensaries/Pharmacies, one was at No. 434 North Bridge Rd address [No..434] as well as in Rochore Rd called the Edin Dispensary. The internment camp rumour was that the Japanese ‘found out’ about him and killed him. He was probably the husband of Mrs Tay from the ‘Vyner Brooke’ (above).
TAYLOR, A. J. [Arthur John] Planter Manager, Sungei Krian Estate, Bagan Serai, Perak, Perak LDC. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died at Muntok [of TB?] 26.6.44 [50]. Wife Lok Yin of Penang.
TAYLOR, Mrs J. M. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 19.12.44
TEELING, Mrs Beatrice Daughter of Regina & Joseph Anthony. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 10.6.42. Parents also died 1942 in Sumatra captivity.
THANE Mrs C. P. [Phyllis] and daughter Pamela.
THOMAS Ms E. Telegraphist. Giang Bee survivor picked up by HMS Tapah. Palembang, Sumatra internee.
THOMAS Ms Halcyon Telegraphist aged 19 in 1942. Giang Bee survivor picked up by HMS Tapah- Palembang Sumatra internee.
THOMAS R. H. Mining Engineer. Gammon [Malaya] Ltd. Aged 32 in 1942.
THOMSON D.C.[Donald Cook] b.1902 London. Mining Engineer: Manager, Osborne & Chappel. Palembang Sumatra internee. Camp Quartermaster. Returned to Malaya 1946: Pengkalen Ltd, Pahat. A Director of Osborne & Chappel, Ipoh & Chairman from 1954 into 1960s. President, FMS Chamber of Mines. Chairman, Malayan Miners Employers Association. Wife post war Edna Alice. Daughters Jennifer Mary b.1946 & Penelope Anne. b.1948. Donald died 6.1976 Winchester.
THOMPSON, F. [Frederick] B.Sc AMICE from Whitley Bay. Civil Engineer attached to the Admiralty, Kranji. Wife Mary evacuated with daughter M. on Orion, arriving Fremantle WA 6.1.42. Son John. Frederick was evacuated from the Naval Base on the Kung Wo [sunk]. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 27.11.44 [36] Palembang.
THOMPSON, L. [Lawrence] Captain, Ship’s Purser, Empress of Asia. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Aged 41 in 1942. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Malvern.
THOMPSON, Ms. Margaret Henderson nee Craig MBE b. Edinburgh. Wife of Daniel Thompson, agricultural engineer & rubber planter. He a POW. She a Lady Medical Officer, Malayan Medical Service: Maternity Hospital, Penang. Aged 38 in 1942. She suffered a serious leg wound 14. 2.42 on Kuala. She is said to have rowed a lifeboat for eight hours whilst severely wounded, cared for Janet Lim (‘Sold for Silver ,p.125 ); this is confirmed in the account of Raymond Frazer, RAF, who rescued her from the sea into the lifeboat and rowed the lifeboat alongside Dr. Thompson, the group from the lifeboat later were taken by Chinese fishermen to Singkep where they parted ways, he recorded that she received her MBE for her bravery in the lifeboat and care for others whilst she was wounded. This brave conduct was also recorded by G. J. O’Grady in Report No .4 Malayan Research Bureau. Spent three days on island of Keban then on Senajang. Arrived in Palembang in April 1944 from Djambi. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski 10.45. To Edinburgh. Returned to Singapore to establish health facilities for rubber workers. She died 1982 Scotland.
THOMSON, G.P.G. To Malaya 1911. Planter aged 52 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. .; the MRB 1943 list shows a “…Thomson CPG Planter Ringo…”
THOMSON T. [male], on Mary Rose? left Muntok on 21.2.42. Sumatra internee.
TICKLE, W. [William] ‘Bill’ Assistant Engineer, Gammon [Malaya] Ltd. The “Jeyes” list records “…TICKLE W GAMMONS LEFT 11/2…’’. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 15.9.44 [37] Muntok.
TILBURN Mrs Gwendoline b.1904. Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee. Wife of Cyril, the Director, A. Clouet & Co.Ltd, 33 Wallich Street, Singapore. Returned to Malaya post war – into 1950s. Died 1.4.1998 at The Devonshire Nursing Home, 95 Carlisle Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex. Widow.
TISBURY W.L.B.[William Ludvig Blaney] b.1887. Planter, Sennah Rubber Co.Ltd, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife Ida Kathleen; son David Fox.
TISSHAW, H. S. [Henry Stanley] b.1888 London. Assistant, Cable & Wireless. The Jeyes” list records “…TISSHAW H. S. C&W LEFT 11/2 NEI?…” Left Singapore on the SS Redang [sunk]. Rescued by HMS Tapah. Captured at Muntok 17.2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife Phyllis [nee Jarratt] evacuated to Canada. He died in captivity 24.11.44 [56] Sumatra. Son Keith. His grave is F7 on the graves page.
TOBY Mrs Elvira Widow of Thomas Ransom Toby [died 1917]. Sumatra internee aged 68 in 1942. Repatriated to India then on the Ranchi from Madras, arriving Southampton 24.11.45. Died early 1947 [72] Surrey.
TODD, K. L. [Kenneth Littlewood] b.1916 Sydney NSW. After three years as a Lt in the Garrison Artillery to Java as Manager, Queensland Insurance, Surabaya from 1.39. Also Assistant to British Vice Consul, Surabaya & to Australian Trade Commissioner. He looked after the interests of British nationals in the Malang district. Tjimahi, Java internee 1944 but recorded as a Sumatra internee on the 1944 list supplied by the Japanese to the International Red Cross. Wife Audrey [23] & daughter Audrey Joan b.1941 interned separately in Java. Repatriated to Sydney. Audrey & Audrey Joan still living in NSW.
TROTTER Ms Florence Elizabeth b.1915 Eastwood NSW. AANS Nursing Sister. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died 7.2002 Brisbane. See Peter Winstanley’s website article at
TRUSCOTT G.B.E. [George Bate Edmund ] A. M.I.C.E. Merchant Navy Chief Engineer PWB Travancore. Palembang Men’s Camp. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 12.8.44[50] of beriberi. Grave now at Jakarta CWGC. Wife Emma Mary in Hammersmith.
TUNBRIDGE Mrs Phyllis H. Wife of CSM Godfrey C. Tunbridge RASC POW Singapore. Aged 36 in 1942. Palembang Women’s Camp Sumatra internee. Repatriated to India then on Britannic from Bombay, arriving Liverpool 12.4.46. Son Kerry. Family to Australia 1958.
TURNER Margot Evelyn Marguerite MBE 1946 DBE 1965 b.1910 London.
QARANC 1964- 1974. Died 24.9.1993 Brighton.
TWEDDELL Joyce b.1916. AANS Australian Nurse aged 26 in 1942. Survived Vyner Brooke sinking. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died 1995. TYACKE J.A. [ John Arthur] b.1899 Sculcoates, East Riding of Yorkshire. Engineer, Pahang Electrical. Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife Margaret Jesse. daughter Linda Lee & son John N. evacuated on Aorangi, arriving Fremantle WA 23.1.42. Daughter Susan Mary died aged 2 at Horsham 2.9.39.Post-war Deputy General Manager, Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Company. Died 1965 Hull.
VAN GEYZEL family: Florence widow of Donald and her son P. V. Van Geyzel; Margaret Olivia, wife of Florence’s son Hubert Alden van Geyzel, along with their four children,
VIEHOFF N.C. [Noel Crowther] From Great Crosby, Lancs. Planter, Toerangie Estate, Kwala,Sumatra. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. Died 11.1.78 [89] Jersey.
VINCENT A.G. Accountant aged 34 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee VORLAUF W. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 5.2.45 Sumatra.
WALES Mrs Lottie Regina of 86 Cairnhill Rd, Singapore. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 3.1.45[48].
WALLACE, Robert Musgrave, (02/04/1914 – 02/08/1997). An RAF engineer who escaped from Singapore on a small air-sea rescue launch and who tried to get to Australia but was taken prisoner in the Banka Straits by a Japanese destroyer. He was returned to Singapore and held for a short time at Changi before being transferred to Palembang. His POW number was 10591.
WALKER H. [Harry] MBE Assistant Civilian Engineer, Naval Dockyard, Singapore aged 42 in 1942. On the Mata Hari 2.42 Sumatra internee – Muntok, Palembang. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski 10.45. Wrote a short account of his capture & captivity that can be read HERE.
WARD Mrs Myrtle Schoolteacher aged 37 in 1942. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Wife of L.G.W. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore with Judith Sinnatt, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. Both to West Bridgeport, Notts.
WARDLE Rev. A.V. [Albert Victor] Chaplain to Mission to Seamen, Singapore and Superintendent, Singapore Marine Hostel, Anson Rd. Married Betty Margaret Luker 1936 Singapore. Betty & daughters Judith born 1937 & Mary born 1940 evacuated to Natal. He died in captivity 4.1.45 [47] Muntok of malaria.
WARMAN Mrs M. widow of Stephen. White Russian Jewish family from Shanghai. One of the last women to be brought into Muntok with her three year old boy, Mischa. She had been thrown into the sea when their ship went down and she saw her husband drown. Although she developed pneumonia she survived long enough to be transported from Muntok to Palembang where she was one of the first internees to die on 9 March 1942. Her son Mischa was too young to understand and had no English – Mary Jenkin took charge of him in Palembang camp until the move back to Muntok in October 1944 when Mrs. Colley took over his care because Mary was not well.
WARMAN Mischa Son of Mrs M. Survived the Vyner Brooke sinking, Interned in Palembang Women’s Camp. Phyllis Briggs’s diary records that after liberation ”… Mrs Colley and Miss Cullen looked after Mischa on the voyage to England. While waiting for the ship, little Mischa was taken for a drive round Singapore, he could not remember any life other than being in different prison camps, so during the drive he kept saying ‘When are we going to reach the barbed wire?’. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. With Gladys Cullen to Bebington, Wirral. Miss Cullen wanted to adopt him and as she was about get remarried she would have given Mischa a good home. However the Jewish Society said they would trace his family which they eventually did, and he was sent all the way to Shanghai to live with relatives he had never seen…” . Sumatra internee.
WATSON, H. L.[Harry Leonard] from Co.Durham. HM Naval Base staff, Singapore. The “Jeyes” list has “… WATSON HARRY LEN VICTUAL OFFCR NA. BASE KUNG WOH…” Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 2.11.44 [31] Palembang. Wife Beryl.
WATSON, Ms Lilian A. aged 39 in 1942. Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee.
WATTERS Ms Jean b.1921 Seremban. Daughter of planter William Watters of Gedong Estate, Bidor, Perak. They reportedly left Singapore together [Jeyes list]but he was on Aorangi, arriving Fremantle 23.1.42 then to Sydney, returning to Liverpool on Sarpedon 27.4.42. Jean in Palembang Women’s Camp 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. To Angus, Scotland. Her brother William James killed 12.42 while serving with the RAF in the USA.
WATTERS-PRYCE Mrs Grace Anna Daughter of Mrs Resie Armstrong. Survived Vyner Brooke sinking with baby son Marc. Sumatra internees. Marc survived. Died in captivity 13.4.45[28] Belalau, Sumatra.
WATTS-CARTER Mrs Millicent Daisy ‘Molly’ wife of planter Jeffrey Walter [Changi internee]. VAD Nurse “Kuala” and “Tandjong Pinang “ survivor. It was remarkable and tragic that someone who had survived two horrendous sinkings, particularly that of the “S.S. Tandjong Pinang” , and then endured years of harsh internment in Palembang, Muntok, and Leoboe Linggau camp had fate bring her life to an end just before liberation. Phyllis Briggs’s diary records “…on August 24th 1945 we were told the war was over but we did not leave the camp until September 16th. During this time extra food was sent in. Unfortunately the extra rations arrived too late to save a number of people. Molly Watts–Carter was among those who were dying, but she was fully conscious and calmly whispered to me that she was happy to have lived just long enough to know that soon we would all be free… when we finally left the camp in Leoboe Linggau we were told that we were the last prisoners to be found in Sumatra …” . Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 27.8.45 [34] Belalau, Lubbuk Linggau, Sumatra. The last woman captive to die. Mrs Cross list shows date of death as 29.8.45.
WEIR, Mrs Agnes Henderson Wife of Captain A. Weir RASC Palembang. In the same hut (a garage) at Belalau, Lubbuk Linggau camp as Phyllis Brigs who records her as named ‘Nan”. Died in captivity 14.7.45 [39] Belalau.
WEBSTER, D. P. [David Palmer] b.1905. Planter, Tamiang Rubber Estates Ltd, Kwala Simpang, Sumatra [1935 Directory]. Aged 37 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Forfar, Scotland. Returned to the Far East as a planter until 1959.
WEST, G. F.[George Francis] ‘Paddy’ MD, JP, OBE 1948 b.1905 Limerick, Ireland. MO Bukit Rotan, SOCFIN, Kuala Selangor. Lt Colonel CO 3 Malayan Field Ambulance FMSVF wounded 2.1.42 [severe leg wound & lost two fingers]. Sent to Camp Hospital, Circular Rd KL. Evacuated to Singapore by hospital train 9.1.42 Captured aboard Mata Hari. POW Muntok 17.2.42 then Palembang, Sumatra. A POW but active treating civilian internees in the Men’s Camp. McDougall described him as ‘A stalwart institution, a bulwark of the British community …. & a man who has exercised a great influence for good of the camp in general.’ Wife Gladys Edith. ‘Baie’, daughter Valerie & sons Michael. Terence & Brian evacuated on Orion, arriving Fremantle WA 6.1.42. Returned post-war at Bukit Rotan, Selangor. Retired to Campden Hill, London W8. Short papers at IWM 98/7/1.
WEST S.W. [Stanley William] b.1904 South Stoneham, Hants. To Singapore 1926. Paints Company Manager/ Representative: Red Hand Composition Paint. Aged 38 in 1942. Escaped Singapore with a Mansfields Group 13.2.42. “Jeyes” list has “…WEST STANLEY W. RED HAND P SISSONS [SYMONS??] P’ BANG…” Palembang Sumatra internee. Wife Mabel Doris evacuated, aged 35, on Aorangi, arriving Fremantle WA 23.1.42. He was repatriated to the UK on Dominion Monarch, arriving Southampton 15.11.45. Died 7.3.1958 [53] Edgeware Hospital, London. Daughter Patricia.
WHITE W.A. [William Arthur] Retired Auditor-General SS. Lived at Kota Lama, Brastagi. Aged 67 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 8.4.45 [71] Si Ringo Camp, Deli, Sumatra. Widow Annie Elizabeth died 3.9.45 [83] at Ack Pamienke Camp no.3, Deli, Sumatra. Daughter Kathleen married to Captain T.M. Winsley.
WILLIAMS H.M. [Harold McLean]b.1903 Hastings. To Sumatra 1926 but by 1940 Planter Manager, Nordanal Rubber Estates, Panchor, Ulu Muar, Johore. Sumatra internee. Died 12.88 East Sussex.
WILLIAMS Mrs Lorna Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 7.2.45
WILLIAMS A. [Adriana] Wife of Robert [below]. Aged 34 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Children Robin & Chris.
WILLIAMS G. [George] William Jacks & Co.Penang. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 5.7.43 Palembang.
WILSON R. [Raymond] b.1897. Educated Auckland Grammar School NZ. WW1 Service 1917- 1919NZ Expeditionary Force. Surveyor-on-Agreement FMS 1926. Assistant Superintendent, Malacca 1936-1937 then Johore Bahru [1940]. Left Singapore for Sumatra 10.2.42 [Jeyes list]. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to NZ 10.45.
WILLIAMS R. [Robert] Planter, Bahilang Estate, Harrison & Crossfield, Tebing Tinggi, Sumatra. Palembang internee. Repatriated to the UK on the SS Orontes, arriving Southampton 11.12.45. To Aberdeen. Wife Adriana [above].
WILSON, T. K. [Thomas Kinnear] Planter Manager, Sungei Bruas Estate, Bruas, Perak. Chief Air Raid Warden, Parit River. Wife Emily, aged 51, and daughter Marjorie evacuated to Dundee. Emily on the Empress of Japan. Arrived Liverpool 19.3.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. He died in captivity22.11.44[53] Muntok, Sumatra.
WOOD Rev G.A. [Geoffrey] Missionary. Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 12.11.44 [76] Palembang
WOODBRIDGE Ms Beryl b.1905 Melbourne. AANS Nursing Sister aged 34 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee
WOODFORD O.P. [Osborne Percival] ‘Sony’ Dept. Head in John Little’s Dept Store, Raffles Place, Singapore as was his wife, Rosy. ARP Singapore. On Giang Bee with wife Rosalind Marie [Rosy] & son Desmond Everard aged 11. Survived but captured aboard HMS Tapah 2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internees. Mrs Woodford & Desmond in the Palembang Women’s Camp. Their story written in ‘Waiting For the Durian’ by Susan McCabe [private publication]. O.P. died 11.5.96 [92]; Rosy died 29.9.95 [84] – both Lathlain Park, Perth WA.
WOODS H.V.M.[Hubert Victor Miles] Board Officer, Penang. Lived at 22 Leigh St, Ghaut, Penang. Wife Margaret. He captain ML Osprey 1941-1942 then Navigator, Mary Rose, escaping Singapore. Captured at Muntok.
The “Jeyes” list records “… WOODS H V MILES GOVT. MARINE LEFT W. PERMIT P’BANG…” Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 21.11.44[42] Muntok of pulmonary embolism [McDougall diary].
WOODYEAR R.P. [Reginald Percy] b.1897 London. WW1 Service: Pte, London Regiment to Lt, Royal West Kents. To Malaya 1919 then to Sumatra 1930. Planter Manager, Tamaran Rubber Estates, Tandjong Poera,Sumatra. Married Gwendoline Osborn 6.38 Penang. He a Palembang, Sumatra internee. He died 1978 Clwyd, Wales.
WORSTER A.C. [Arthur Charles ] b.1899 Shoreditch, London. To Singapore 1916. Cable Foreman, Electrical Dept, Keppel Harbour [Eastern Extension Australasia & China Telegraph Co. Ltd 1930s then Cable Foreman/Assistant Engineer, Cable & Wireless. Cpl 10233 Singapore Fortress RE[V]. On HMS Tapah 2.42. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated on Antenor from Singapore, arriving Liverpool 27.10.45. Returned to Singapore 1946. Died 1978 Dorset. Wife Lucy; children Patricia & Roger.
WOOTEN N. [Norman] Australian Assistant Trade Commissioner, Singapore. Escaped 15.2.42 on launch Mary Rose with Quinn and Bowden. Captured 17.2.42 at Muntok. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Victoria. Working for Department of Commerce & Agriculture, Canberra 1946. Australian Trade Commissioner, Paris 1952- Died 5.54 [54] Paris.
WRIGHT, A. H. [Alfred Herbert] AMICE FRSE from Glasgow. Educated Allan Glens School. Factory Manager, Oil Palms of Malaya Ltd, LayangLayang, Johore. The “Jeyes” list has “…WRIGHT A. H. OPM GUTHRIE LEFT W. HUMPHRISS 13/2 (GEC) NEI?…” – this fits with the Humphriss entry above but gives no information as to how they left. Alfred’s wife Dorothy evacuated to Rhyl, North Wales. He a Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 9.2.45 [44] Muntok.
WRIGHT, A.W.[Alexander Williamson] To Sumatra 1939. Planter, Laut Tador Estate, Tebing Tinggi, Deli, Sumatra. Aged 28 in 1942. Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the SS Orontes, arriving Southampton 11.12.45. To Aberdeen,
WRIGLEY, A. [Alan] Naval Base Staff. Aged 21 in 1942. Palembang Men’s Camp, Sumatra internee. Repatriated to the UK on the Sobieski 10.45. Worked for RN South Africa till 1951 then to Devonport. Wife post war Frances & son Jonathan.
WHBRO [see WHYBRO] WYNNE M.L. [Mervyn Llewelyn] b.1891. Educated Corrig School, Ellesmere College; Hanover & Munich and Arrowsmith’s, Edinburgh. To Malaya 1911 as Police Probationer FMS WW1 Army Service 1917-1919. Severely wounded 3.18. Returned to FMS Police 1919 as Adjutant. Commissioner of Police, Trengganu 1923-1926. From 1936 Deputy Chief of Police & Deputy Inspector General [Crime & Political], Singapore. An expert on Chinese Secret Societies. Wife Nancy [nee List] and two sons incl. Owen. evacuated. He escaped Singapore 16. 2.42 on the Mary Rose but was captured at Muntok. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 4.4.42 Bagun Kuning, Pladjoe, Sumatra of dysentery. Times obituary 16.4.47. Ashes buried at Bidadari cemetery, Singapore 1948. The “Jeyes” list records “… WYNNE MLL POLICE DIED DYS 6 OR 8. 4.42 NEAR PALEMBANG…”
YATES E. [Edwin] Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 18.8.44 [76]
YATES J.B.F. [John Butler Franks] b.1904 Guildford. Planter Manager, Serapoh Estate, United [Sumatra] Rubber Estates Ltd, Tandjong Poera, Sumatra. Son of Edwin & Minnie. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Swindon with his mother. John died 8.1996 Berkshire.
YATES Mrs Minnie Wells Wife of E. aged 72 in 1942. Palembang Sumatra internee. Repatriated to Southampton on Durban Castle, arriving 29.11.45. To Swindon with son John [above]. Minnie died 1962 Swindon.
ZIMMERMAN H. [Herbert] Accountant, Singapore Harbour Board. The “Jeyes” list records “… Zimmerman H SHB –X S DANTISON LEFT FOR JAVA ?…” Palembang Men’s Camp Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 11.6.44 [43] Muntok of beriberi. Wife Sonia.
Main sources of information include: Captivity diaries: Phyllis Briggs, Gordon Reis, M.J.V. Miller, Brenda MacDuff and the diary of W.H. McDougall, edited by Gary Topping and published as ‘If I get out alive’ by the University of Utah Press. The Malayan Research Bureau Papers 1942-1945 [CO 980/217]. The British Association of Malaya journal 1944-1973 including Red Cross internee lists and obituaries. British Subjects interned in Sumatra Camps May 1944 [WO208/1691] – this list contains many errors. The Singapore & Malayan Directory 1932, 1935, 1940. The Straits Times Archive. The Jeyes List compiled by J. Bennett in Changi Gaol. Commonwealth War Graves Register. Admiralty documents [ADM] at NA Kew. Passenger lists in the BT27 Board of Trade files at NA Kew. ……………………………………………………………………